Schala Mar 22, 2006
I've been listenig to image albums lately, specifically the Haibane Renmei one and the Gunslinger Girl one, neither of whose names I can recall at the moment.
I was really enthusiastic about the HR one considering how much I loved the soundtrack, but it was a letdown. Sure, Heart of Air is featured on there, but for some reason, it was just...bland, both the instrumentals and vocals. I should probably listen to it a bit more carefully.
As for the GG album, I highly recommend it. Granted, I have no clue what they're saying, but some of the songs are funny in a perverse way; for example, in Rico's song, she talks about her life at the agency and her favorite things, and later in the song, you can hear gunshots and fighting that she's obviously taking part in. Then there's Elsa's song...if you know the story behind Elsa, you can tell what's coming at the end of her song. Listen to the album with earphones to hear what are otherwise soft sound effects.
So yeah, some good stuff there. I'll give HR another chance with earphones, which is probably the better way to listen to it.