allyourbaseare Aug 19, 2008
So I don't know how I missed this gem for such a long time, it's great!! Totally unexpected from Falcom Sound Team jdk (I was thinking more outlandish j-rock) but it comes off like a mix of Chrono Cross and Atelier Iris 3 (one of the highest compliments in my book).
The instruments chosen are perfect.
Some of my favourites:
"Pavel Garden" - There's no mistaking that SNES/SFC violin plucking in the background, and each layer brings new depth to the song. I feel so warm and cozy listening to it. ~1:47 is GOLD.
"Kenopi Volcano" - This would have to be, without a doubt, my favourite "lava cave/volcano" theme EVAR. It's not overbearing and delightfully low-key for supposedly a high intensity area.
"Road to Where the Dragon Sleep" - The accordian synth absolutely does it for me on this one. That, and the catchy backbeat provides the rest of the energy to let the musicians have fun with the rest of the song.
I'm sure there's going to be more as I delve deeper into the soundtrack, but I'm still amazed that I haven't heard anything mentioned about this OST. Bravo Falcom. Bravo.
Can anyone suggest similar OST's?