Well, I had time to squeeze in a couple hours of gameplay tonight, and so far the game itself is great and the music is definitely awesome. Whereas Zwei 1's soundtrack was mainly accoustic and celtic, Zwei 2 seems to have a decent amount of variety. So far, I've encountered a couple solid rock tracks during the opening scene, a few accoustic themes reminiscent of Zwei 1, and the rest of music is very Sora no Kiseki-ish. I haven't heard a boring theme yet.
With all the various approaches in game music these days, I love how Falcom is still able to present solid, immediately-pleasing (if not somewhat old school) music for their games. Maybe I'm just biased.
Anyway, order away everyone, if you haven't already.
- Justin Pfeiffer
P.S. The soundtrack case itself comes in a larger box that fits nicely in the game box with the manual and disc case. I haven't opened it yet but I may have to soon.