Amazingu Nov 18, 2008
mmm...Colossus #2, perhaps? Dude lost his arm, too.
I think you mean #3, #2 had four legs.
And even so, #3 didn't actually lose his arm...
mmm...Colossus #2, perhaps? Dude lost his arm, too.
I think you mean #3, #2 had four legs.
And even so, #3 didn't actually lose his arm...
I think you mean #3, #2 had four legs.
And even so, #3 didn't actually lose his arm...
Ah, thanks. I knew I was thinking of the Knight one, but it's been a long time since I've played it. Now that I think about it...he lost his arm cuff, right? Still, that trailer screamed 'SotC in miniature' to me.
How strange that I actually started playing Shadow of the Colossus for the first time like ... 3 days ago, and then I see this trailer.
Carl's right. there's a lot of SotC imitation here.
But it will play like an entirely different game than SotC so I'm fine with that.
As for the music? ...maaaaybe Hidenori Iwasaki. That's my best guess.
Amazingu wrote:I think you mean #3, #2 had four legs.
And even so, #3 didn't actually lose his arm...Ah, thanks. I knew I was thinking of the Knight one, but it's been a long time since I've played it. Now that I think about it...he lost his arm cuff, right? Still, that trailer screamed 'SotC in miniature' to me.
Yep, that's the one that had to have the cuff broken off. Ironically enough it's even the same arm as the dude in the trailer that gets his arm cut off.
Speculation over. A bit of a surprise, but it kinda fits given the ostinato-based approach and the similar palette to his recent action themes!
Speculation over.
A bit of a surprise, but it kinda fits given the ostinato-based approached and the similar palette to his recent action themes!
Didn't suprise me, I got huge FF XI-vibes from that countdown-music. Good to see that I was for once correct and we get some new non-FF-Mizuta.
Chris wrote:Speculation over.
A bit of a surprise, but it kinda fits given the ostinato-based approached and the similar palette to his recent action themes!
Didn't suprise me, I got huge FF XI-vibes from that countdown-music. Good to see that I was for once correct and we get some new non-FF-Mizuta.
Didn't expect that one! Either way, that's exciting - I've always dug Mizuta. I guess this means no more FFXI expansions, heh.
Apparently there will be at least two more but I guess the next one won't be until at least late 2009 / early 2010.
Watch the trailer. Total SotC rip-off! Looks fun though. ;D
Or even Naoshi Mizuta if he's still around and unchained from his FFXI duties.
Good call the_miker!
Cheers to those who guessed Mizuta. (the_miker ftw!!)
Which makes me wonder, is Hiromichi Tanaka (producer for FFXI) working on Blood of Bahamut as well?
I hope to meet Mizuta at the FFXI Fan Fest this year, but I'm not sure if he'll be there. If he is, I will try to interview him about BoB among other things.
LOL, Blood of Bahamut = BoB. I like that abbreviation.
Idolores wrote:Ashley Winchester wrote:You kidding, Square-Enix would copyright the air you breathe if they could.
Maybe attach spikey hair and ridiculous weapons while they're at it.
Well said!
i am sorry square trademarked the smiley face you have used long ago ... along with the air ...
Apparently there will be at least two more but I guess the next one won't be until at least late 2009 / early 2010.
It appears they won't release an expansion disc anymore and only offer some downloadable quests on the old areas instead, and maybe that's why Mizuta finally leaves FFXI.