tri-Ace Super Fan Feb 5, 2010
Films, no; game-related, heck yes. :) Other than pre-order art books, which I do have quite a bit of, all of my books are imported from Japan. I'm surprised that so many are being released in the US these days.
Probably most of my art books are tri-Ace related. Mayumi Azuma's Treasure and Second Treasure, Star Ocean EX Sketch Book, Valkyrie Profile Material Collection and Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth & Silmeria Material Collection, etc. I have an absurd tri-Ace collection in general:
http://www.inverteddungeon.com/triacesu … ction.html
But I also pick up whatever art I really fall in love with, sometimes even when I don't care about the games themselves much (like with my Chrono Cross Missing Pieces book [although that's more of a "fan book"]). I also love my two Art of SNK World books, and one of my very favorite books in my collection is Guardian by Sachiko Kamimura. I fell in love with her style because of the Japanese cover of Brain Lord, and while the art book has art from that and some other games, the other art in it, mostly anime-related I guess, is even better yet.
The only sore gap in my collection is that I still don't have an Akihiro Yamada art book. I absolutely love his art in Dracula XX, Mystic Ark, Front Mission 3, etc. He's got a wonderfully unique style.