Angela Jan 10, 2009
Have you ever bought or owned any sort of art/making-of books for films or video games? Like I said somewhere before, I eat this kind of shit up with a ladle. I don't have an insanely large collection, as I tend to only buy for the stuff that I'm really passionate for. This is roughly half of my collection; I know I have quite a few on my bookshelf back at my parents' place, including a good number of preorder bonuses.
This shot depicts some of my personal favorites. I love the Capcom books best. My most recent acquisition is that Udon Street Fighter Tribute book on the far right - an incredible collection of all things Street Fighter from fan artists around the world. I really wished I grabbed Udon's Art of Capcom back in 2007. What I saw when it was in the stores was a gorgeous looking collection, but now it's become near impossible to find. The Lord of The Rings books are also put together really well, and although I'm not the biggest Star Wars fan, I couldn't resist getting the prequel set for the beautiful planet designs.
Finally, this last shot shows the books (more like "tomes") that are just too big and unwieldy to fit on my shelf. That Pirates of The Caribbean one is a monster.
Oh, and to you Valkyria Chronicles fans, did you happen to get the On The Gallian Front artbook that came with preorders of the game? I've only played the demo, but I'm really digging the characters designs. Any opinions on the book before I begin a seek-out?