Bernhardt Jan 11, 2009 (edited Jan 11, 2009)
Sorry for overflowing with topics about the Wii (guess what new console I just got recently?) but I'd really like an answer specifically to this question, and where I can easily find it.
Are regular SD cards compatible with the Wii, or do I need to get SD cards that were specifically made for the Wii, and have the special label "For Use with Nintendo Wii?"
I mean, the Wii comes with about 2200 "Blocks" (Nintendo's still using "Blocks" of memory, when everyone else has already moved onto MBs and GBs? Haven't heard of a "Block" of memory since the old PSX days...) and when some Wiiware or Virtual Console titles take up as much as 300 "Blocks," it's like...I can only have about 7 of those titles on my Wii simultaneously!