Here's Rockman 2 for sale:
but these versions of the games where released elsewhere abit in a different form: The Mega Man Anniversary Collection. The upgraded soundtracks and other features that appear in the single discs appear in it.
However, I honestly would have liked these on the PS1 and sold seperately like they where in Japan. Despite what others say, I didn't like Annivesary Collection even though I really don't have a real reason behind my opinion - the ommision of the Mode7 graphics from the Mega Man 7 ending being the closest thing to a credable reason to dislike it.
My biggest gripe about these games is why did they remix the remaining tracks for 4, 5, and 6 (the ones NOT on The Power Fighters/The Power Battle) and not the missing ones from 1, 2 and 3? It's really annoying going to a stage that has an upgraded piece of music to one that doesn't. It's plain lazy and knocks down the presentation a bit.