So, I've finally had time to pick it up. Played through it three times so far, and I completely agree with the_miker, Amazingu, and Jay. Shattered Memories is an awesome and deeply refreshing and original game that signals a potential rebirth for the series. Its without a doubt the best SH game since 2001's Silent Hill 2, and the only post-SH2 entry I consider really worthy to stand together with the first two. What makes it even more surprising is that its developed by Climax, the same team responsible for the cliche-riddled, by-the-numbers Silent Hill: Origins, the worst game in the series. I applaud their stellar effort in breaking away and creating something new, they have redeemed themselves in my eyes.
Story-wise, the best thing about Shattered Memories is that it completely throws out the tired, done-to-death "evil cult" and occultism shtick and delves head-first into the subtle psychological horror that made the series in the first place. 3, 4, Origins, Homecoming, and the live action movie all milked this story-line - that originally started out as one of several potential interpretations of Silent Hill 1's purposely vague story - to no end, and, in so doing, turned the series into something nearing a parody of itself. Shattered Memories is really just about the best thing that could have happened, a clean, back-to-the-basics break that for the first time since SH2 makes me feel like there might actually be a future for the series. Could psychological horror be back in the gaming world after it's long hiatus? Too early to tell for sure, but I'm now carefully optimistic.
The way Shattered Memories starts from the same premise as SH1 did but then takes it in a completely different direction and twists it around during the course of the game is brilliant, it breaks new ground at the same time as paying homage to the original. "Re-imagining" was really the way to go: a straight-up current-gen remake of the original - no matter how tempting and appealing the idea seems to those of us that love and treasure the 1999 classic - would just have amounted to throwing some new paint on an old game, thereby inviting irritated nerdy nitpicks from old fans while probably not winning over many new fans. Even though Shattered Memories in no way holds a candle to SH1 when it comes to earning a high ranking on the scare-o-meter, it still gets under your skin in the way that SH1 and - especially - SH2 managed to do, and the subsequent games failed at. I agree with Jay that, even though I love the old-school, tried-and-true survival horror mechanics of the classic SH games, I don't really miss the battles, fetch quests, picking up weapons, ammo, health-drinks, etc. Silent Hill can indeed make it as a downbeat, no-action adventure game as much as a "survival horror" game as long as it focuses on working that dark psychological voodoo that is it's true hallmark (something especially Origins and Homecoming almost completely lost sight of, even though they had their own merits in other ways). Leave the zombie decapitations and sniper rifles to Resident Evil and the hiding under beds and behind curtains to Clock Tower: we've got more serious matters to take care of in this here series.
About the chase-scenes, which seems to be the one thing in the game people are complaining about... I can understand the criticism. They feel kind of disjointed in regards to the mellow pace of the rest of the game, and occasionally they're quite irritating. Still, they never really bothered me much, I didn't feel like they wrecked the game or that they should have been left out. Jay's suggestion to just throw out the action/horror aspects and make it a straight-up adventure game is intriguing, but there's still something in the back of my head that objects to that, even though I can't really pinpoint what it is yet... Maybe just that that would be taking it too far by completely ripping the series from it's original moorings. Moving away from the pitch-black, visceral balls-to-the-wall satanic horror the series started at towards a creepy but mellow psychological focus is all very well and quite fruitful (as this game clearly proves), but I'm not sure if I'd be comfortable with Silent Hill completely losing it's horror roots... Still, the problem whether to put combat in there or keep the chase-scenes or whatever remains. This has been one of the series' central problems of design, the various attempts to reconcile the psychological aspects of the story with the "struggle" aspects of actually having a game in there too, and having them both mesh well with each other. The different installments have tried various approaches to this, the polar extremes being the fight-a-monster-in-almost-every-room setup of Origins and Homecoming on one side, contrasted with the almost Myst-like low-action dark adventure setup of Shattered Memories. The latter has a lot more potential of impressing upon the player what the series tries to achieve, but its still not without it's problems, as the widespread ambivalence towards the chase-scenes in Shattered Memories and the arising question of throwing them out or altering them in some way proves. In the best of possible worlds, Climax (or whichever team gets to make the next SH game) will move closer to solving this problematic.
The soundtrack works really well in the game, Yamaoka really hit the right tone for it. As we've already discussed elsewhere, the score is a damn strange animal, and I found that this is a case where playing the game really helps the music to grow on you. It's grown to become one of my favourite Yamaoka albums, with the vocal tracks and the instrumentals "Another Warm Body" and "Different Persons" being among Akira's most profound and evocative pieces, in my opinion. The soundtrack perfectly mirrors the game: quiet, unassuming, and mellow, but also deep, powerful, and very rewarding to explore.
To finish off the post, the series has started to grow prolific enough for "best-to-worst"-lists to actually become meaningful and interesting. My list so far goes like this, best at the top and worst at the bottom:
Shattered Memories
Homecoming (yes, it gets placed this high, shut up)
4: The Room
the_miker wrote:They should just rename the series SIGH-lent Hill cause it looks like Konami has officially murdered it. Origins, Homecoming, and now this?? Yeah, it was nice knowing you Silent Hill, you shall be missed.