Angela Jun 3, 2009
It's been an age since I last played Final Fantasy VII, so I said what the hell and gave the just-released-for-North America version a download. Sitting at a little over 1300 MB in size, $10 ain't bad at all, and not having to swap discs, plus being able to play it on PSP (legitimately) is quite cool.
I'm up to the second Mako Reactor, and so far, it's pretty much looking like the same exact game that was released back in '97. (For North America, that is. We know that Japan got the International Version for their PSN release, which is essentially the title America originally got.) The game's pre-rendered backgrounds and polygonal in-game models still hold up well, looking particularly good on the PSP screen, and quite respectable via PS3's upscaling. I only wished they actually implemented an analog mode, so that you can control your character via analog stick or nub. It's still murder moving around with the Sony d-pads.
I'd forgotten how brisk the game's pacing is, battles especially. Of course, they're nowhere as fast as the 16-bit predecessors, they are significantly quicker than FF8 and FF9's battles. The load time transitions are super speedy, and the fights themselves play out at a lively clip. They can become even faster should you decide to adjust the fully-incremental Battle Speed level in the configuration menu.
Looking forward to once again taking down Shinra. Story-wise, I think that's what I enjoyed most about FFVII; that, throughout the course of the game, you'll eventually be able to take on each and every member of the corporation. (Save for Reeve, natch.)