Saga 2 OST Trailer
- Pages: 1

Ramza Aug 8, 2009
I love all the morons commenting on the page saying "this trailer sucks where's the gameplay footage."
Apparently they missed the "Soundtrack" portion of "Soundtrack Trailer."
I am so going to love this CD.

Wanderer Aug 9, 2009
That's a really clever use of synth and live instruments. I'm looking forward to hearing the full OST. I remember SaGa 2 having very decent music.

contextfree Aug 9, 2009
Wonder if he'll be working with Sekito again on this one? I've enjoyed the soundtracks they've done together, more than I have the work either of them has done separately.

Bernhardt Aug 9, 2009 (edited Aug 9, 2009)
I love all the morons commenting on the page saying "this trailer sucks where's the gameplay footage." Apparently they missed the "Soundtrack" portion of "Soundtrack Trailer."
I love the part how the commercials play normally, but you still need additional plug-ins to play the actual video you clicked on the link for...
SaGa 2 was the one they originally released on the Gameboy, right?

XLord007 Aug 9, 2009
SaGa 2 was the one they originally released on the Gameboy, right?
All three of the original SaGa games (aka Final Fantasy Legend) started out on the Game Boy.

Dais Aug 9, 2009
Ramza wrote:I love all the morons commenting on the page saying "this trailer sucks where's the gameplay footage." Apparently they missed the "Soundtrack" portion of "Soundtrack Trailer."
I love the part how the commercials play normally, but you still need additional plug-ins to play the actual video you clicked on the link for...
http://www.gametrailers.com/video/japan … 0?type=flv
always keep your eyes open, man
also, normally I want to punch gametrailers comment posters in the face, but this was a pretty shitty music trailer. Wasn't this theme already playing over the original promo trailer?

Alcahest Aug 25, 2009

KujaFFman Aug 26, 2009
I don't know, but seeing "muZik" on that Amazon page worries me. A lot.

Boco Aug 26, 2009
It seems that the last track (27) is performed by muZik. I think that's their only involvement with OST though.

James O Sep 11, 2009
I got the CD in today from CD Japan, it's a pleasant synth filled update from the old Game Boy soundtrack. I quite enjoyed it. The last track which Muzik did was not too shabby tho I didn't like their take on "eat the meat". Great title for a victory theme btw. Anyone know if there's been any decision on whether to localize the NDS remake of SaGa 2 for NA?

chocobo000 Sep 12, 2009 (edited Sep 12, 2009)
No official word, but I think it's chances are very good. If they like money, it will probably be renamed "Final Fantasy Legend - SaGa". That will help boost sales while also giving a nod to the original US naming.

oddigy Sep 17, 2009 (edited Sep 17, 2009)
Ah sheesh, had I known the OST was already out, I wouldn't have spent the last half hour zero-daying a VGMTrans recording.
Here it is anyway, but if the official OST's already out, the bugs and stuff in this sampler blob will be absolutely hideous.
It's great to hear some classic synth Kenji Ito, and the battle tracks are lovely as always.

Angela Sep 18, 2009
Ah sheesh, had I known the OST was already out, I wouldn't have spent the last half hour zero-daying a VGMTrans recording.
Thanks Amber! Not for anything, this has made for a terrific extended sampler. Very cool.

Ramza Sep 18, 2009
Still waiting anxiously for my copy to reach my house. C'mon Play-Asia!

Wanderer Sep 18, 2009
Thanks, Amber! It's really interesting to hear this music outside of the Gameboy synth. It sounds more like Ito than I ever realized.

Bernhardt Sep 24, 2009
Anybody got any music samples of this? RPGFan still doesn't have anything yet...

TerraEpon Oct 3, 2009
Well having listened to it, I must say I agree mostly with the review on RPGFan.
It's pretty ho hum, even worse than FFIV was. Though unlike Ramza I absolutely love the battle music, and of course the track with the accoustic instruments.
That said, the complaint about not doing the whole thing accoustically is pretty groundless, since it IS a DS game, and there's limited space. But it could have been a lot better (see FFIII).

Bernhardt Oct 3, 2009
Well having listened to it, I must say I agree mostly with the review on RPGFan.
It's pretty ho hum, even worse than FFIV was. Though unlike Ramza I absolutely love the battle music, and of course the track with the accoustic instruments.That said, the complaint about not doing the whole thing accoustically is pretty groundless, since it IS a DS game, and there's limited space. But it could have been a lot better (see FFIII).
Yeah, I think they messed up more than they succeeded.
From the original piece of "Adventurer's Theme" (Track 10) - used for the Guardians' Base, I thought it would have made a good guitar-based theme, as opposed to going orchestral with it, because it's supposed to back a secret organization that's looking out for the world. Plus, the leader, the protagonist's father, looks like Indiana Jones, so something a bit rugged sounding would've been better.
As for the "Theme of a New God" (Track 15), I thought it would've been great if they'd added an ominous, storm-wind-blowing motif, seeing as how it's the theme for your main villain, and that's what it sounded like they were already trying to go for in the original; instead, we get this chimey piece that sounds like a car-door-ajar alarm going off...hardly threatening-sounding at all.
They did too much variation with a lot of the other pieces, making them unrecognizable.
Otherwise, I'm just irritated they changed a lot of the track titles from the original.

Ramza Oct 3, 2009
Well having listened to it, I must say I agree mostly with the review on RPGFan.
That said, the complaint about not doing the whole thing accoustically is pretty groundless, since it IS a DS game, and there's limited space.
My reply:
And it is likely that there will be far more recorded/streamed music in Ninokuni than what would've been in SaGa 2 DS if they had done all 25 tracks live. Had S-E wanted to, they could've given this soundtrack better treatment, including more "real" recordings than just track 2.
Just want to point out that I'm not talking out my ass here, and I didn't think it groundless to want either fully or nearly-full acoustic recordings.
But thanks for citing the review, in any case. I know it's an *unlikely* thing to do for the DS, but it's not impossible. I guess I thought higher of this game than Square Enix did.