Hey there, I saw some mention of a thread concerning this track on a site that goes by STC, so I tracked this website down and... well, here I am
I posted this information on VGMdb and maybe many of the same people go to both places, but it's possible that others primarily hang out here, so I figured I would post the information here as well so that it gets out there. This is basically copypasta from VGMdb.
The HTOA doesn't cut off any notes that I can hear. The HTOA, however, is extremely tricky to rip because of how the CD was mastered. I hope it's okay to post this kind of technical data, but in order to catch the full track, you need to use an offset of -43325 in a ripping program like EAC, and EAC in particular doesn't even let you go that far plus or minus—you actually have to edit the Windows registry while the program is closed to achieve it! It can be done though, and the resulting rip of the track is very complete. The reason the first bit of the track was getting cut off is because that large of an offset is almost an entire second (44100 samples), so essentially, the first second of the track would be missing. Additionally, some drives cannot overread into an adjusted offset, which could possibly lose more.
So basically... yeah, there's nothing wrong with the audio data, it's all there, it's just how you have to go about ripping it that can be the "problem". Also, just so you know, that offset doesn't interfere with the end of the track; there's a margin of 7860 samples, so ripping with the -43325 will put all 7860 silent samples at the end of the track. That's about 1/6 of a second, but still enough to catch everything. So this track can be ripped, it just takes a good drive, and some conviction
Hope this helps!