Zane Dec 8, 2009 (edited Dec 9, 2009)
What's good, everyone?! After talking with a couple of people about the music from Shattered Memories and reading everyone's posts here, I wanted to chime in and share some love for the SHSM soundtrack. For lack of better words (and if you don't want to read the rest of my post, the following will do just fine), I feel that this is exactly what the series needed.
OK, so there are four McGlynn vocals. Again. And, granted, they originally come off as painfully dark and forced, but after a couple of listens I got hooked on all four of them. I know these vocals might not be everyone's favorite types of tracks, so if you want to skip 'em, you should skip 'em. I don't. Whatever way you want to shake it, they're better than the ones in SH Zero. Somehow keeping the four-vocals-per-album tradition alive feels fresh this time around amid all the new music.
That said, this is definitely not the instrumental Yamaoka we're used to. What you will find here is something quite different than his past Silent Hill soundtracks, and as far as I'm concerned this is a very good thing. From the exploratory chilling piano motifs of "Creeping Distress" to the blunt industrial harshness of "Devil's Laughter", SHSM has some intense tracks, along with more mood-setting BGM like "Searching the Past" and the scattered and shuffled "Forsaken Lullaby". If anything, as in-game music, Yamaoka nailed this one down. If you're looking for a quick SH fix or are expecting SH1/2/3/4/Z/H part 2, you surely will not find it here, and you will be disappointed. But, I think, that's the whole point. Reimagining the series = reimagining the music. This album makes me want to sit down and actually play through the game, and for someone who really only plays video games when Miker brings his Wii over (true story), that says a lot.
So, yeah. I think this is some really great stuff! DK, I have a feeling that you'll lick those chops and eat this one up. For those of you who weren't so hot on it, maybe it's worth another spin or two to see how you feel about it. I know everyone won't fancy the music, but I am enjoying it enough to come out of my semi-retirement for one more strikeout post before benching myself again. Give it a chance!!!
EDIT: You can read my full review of the soundtrack for SEMO right here!