RinoaDestiny wrote:What are your favorites out of the entire CD?
The album's triple-whammy opening salvo that is Jungle Exploder, Brickwaller, and Shrapnel Facial can't be beat. Especially Jungle Exploder -- recall that Jungle 1/Normal was prominently featured on my Most memorable tracks of the last decade list, so you can imagine how much I wanted this particular arrangement to deliver. And boy, does it ever; SnappleMan is my personal god for the month.
I've always had an affinity toward Harbor, so Slave Freighter is a treat. Never had the privilege of hearing the Smash Bros' MAGFest performance featured on the Japanese Dual Spirits CD release, though..... how does it compare, I wonder?
I'm still trying to decide if "Let's Attack Aggressively!" was remastered for the better. The bass is somewhat punchier than Cannon and Dlugosz's original Dwelling of Duels submission, but at the cost of crisper sounding fidelity.
As for B.E.I.G.L., your guess is as good as mine. Big Ending Instrumental Gaming Love?