Idolores Dec 9, 2009
Like, actual 10. Not X.
http://www.capcom-unity.com/jgonzo/blog … endo_power
Discuss. It's not like you didn't see this coming . . .
Like, actual 10. Not X.
http://www.capcom-unity.com/jgonzo/blog … endo_power
Discuss. It's not like you didn't see this coming . . .
I don't need to know anything more than the title: I'll buy it. MegaMan 9 was freaking awesome and I am definitely ready for the next installment.
Hooray Buggery Man!
I am totally on this.
I am never going to unsee my personal, misconstrued view of Sheep Man:
http://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp15 … eepman.jpg
Is it safe to assume that the game will also be headed to PSN and XBLA?
I am never going to unsee my personal, misconstrued view of Sheep Man
I've actually heard three other people today share your personal view. I can understand what you're all saying, but I'm trying to see it that way and I just can't make it work. NP made the Philip K. Dick connection for us, but personally my mind went straight to a different electric sheep.
I didn't see this coming, at least not this quickly, so I'm pleasantly surprised. I'm especially happy to see Protoman as selectable from the start, at long last--this should also mean he'll get a full story mode, even if it's just a slightly modified version of his brother's. Then again, with three playable characters, maybe they'll go the extra mile--it's not like Megaman's motivations will be a one-size-fits all for ...Bass? Please?.
I am never going to unsee my personal, misconstrued view of Sheep Man
Thanks for that, Angie. One robot master irrevocably ruined for me.
On another note, with a name like "Sheep Man", you can tell Capcom is running out of ideas. I can't wait for "Covered in boils Man" or some shit.
Excellent news! Just looking at the screenshots makes me feel good.
That cover art is just 10/10 on the scale of cheesy-yet-awesome.
with a name like "Sheep Man", you can tell Capcom is running out of ideas. I can't wait for "Covered in boils Man" or some shit.
Eh, that slippery-slope development began a long time ago, from MM4's Ring Man, MM5's Charge Man, MM6's Centaur Man (in fact, just about every "Man" in MM6), to where we're at today... Covered in boils Man must be right around the corner, together with Car Crash Man, Forum Moderator Man, and The Man Man. But as long as the games are good, its all good.
Idolores wrote:with a name like "Sheep Man", you can tell Capcom is running out of ideas. I can't wait for "Covered in boils Man" or some shit.
Eh, that slippery-slope development began a long time ago, from MM4's Ring Man, MM5's Charge Man, MM6's Centaur Man (in fact, just about every "Man" in MM6), to where we're at today... Covered in boils Man must be right around the corner, together with Car Crash Man, Forum Moderator Man, and The Man Man. But as long as the games are good, its all good.
Dude, the very FIRST game had a guy called GUTS MAN.
I'd say that was reaching already.
In any case, awesome news!
I'd been hoping they made a sequel since 9 was a great little game, and I'll definitely be looking forward to this.
Sheepman's design actually reminds me of Bubble Crab's, personally: http://www.cupulahunter.net/mmx2_bubble_crab.jpg
Moreover, this guy seems to have scooped everyone, even on details not yet mentioned (including who the third character would be): http://www.fanboyreview.net/2009/11/21/ … ga-man-10/ (It's also worth noting that if this is the actual plot, it's a direct lift from the Super Adventure Rockman FMV game)
New Megaman game? Especially by Inti? I'm in. Still...I dunno. I'm against the continued 8-bitification on principle - MM7 and MM8 are two of my favorites, and MM9 didn't owe any of its stellar quality to its aesthetic motif - and I would trade this in a Manhattan Minute for ZX3, Legends 3, or Powered Up 2. Still, I'll play it. Inti is a fantastic developer, after all.
I'm just starting to feel very much on the outer edge of Capcom's Fanbase. The games I've loved most (Powered Up, ZX1 & 2, Justice For All, Zack & Wiki) didn't sell and/or are unpopular amongst the fans, and the readjustments to existing franchises that others would trumpet as What We Wanted (Cody and T. Hawk in SSF4! Phoenix takes over in Apollo Justice! Edgeworth replaces Ema in AAI! 8-Bit-style MM now and forever!) leave me indifferent at best and angry at worst. But of course it's working out well for them fiscally, and even unambitious Capcom is good, so why complain?
Still. Still. There has to be more.
EDITed out a potential derail.
Dude, the very FIRST game had a guy called GUTS MAN.
I'd say that was reaching already.
To be fair, Japan uses the word "guts" way more than we do.
I'm going to spoiler tag this just to be safe...but does anyone think...
the third playable character is going to be Zero?. I think it's a very strong possibility. I mean, the only other person it might be is Roll.
As for me, I'm extremely excited for this game. Hope Soundteam III is behind this one as well. I loved the Rockman 9 OST.
I'm going to spoiler tag this just to be safe...but does anyone think...
the third playable character is going to be Zero?. I think it's a very strong possibility. I mean, the only other person it might be is Roll.
I'd say given his popularity and role in the main series, Bass is much more likely. After all, he's been playable in the arcade games, 7's one-on-one mode, and, well, Megaman & Bass. Roll's been playable too so she is a possibility, but I think Bass is a safer bet, certainly more than Zero. I'd say Duo is more likely than Zero.
I'd say given his popularity and role in the main series, Bass is much more likely.
Considering that that is what it says in the link SonicPanda provided, I'd say that that is the most probable, yes.
Charging? Sliding? At least make them available this time for people not obsessed with Mega Man 2-era gameplay.
This wouldn't be a bad time to perhaps explain what happened between old Mega Man (10) and Mega Man X -- maybe even throw in some sprite-style X...
I don't know, Mega Man 9 wasn't enough to make me buy a current gen system, so I doubt Mega Man 10 is going to going to make me budge on that position. Its times like this where I wish the GBA was still alive because I'd be more apt to buy $30 carts for a system (I had) than a $200~300 for a system I'd mainly use for DLed games.
Additionally, the difficulty factor of MM9 (from what I've heard) was quite high, I don't really care about the challenge factor as much as I do about the fun factor. Case in point, Mega Man 2 isn't hard but it's my favorite regardless.
Mega Man Legends 3 on the other hand... well, I might just buy the game and borrow someone's system and then buy the system when it's on its way out. Same deal if they ever make another X game and explain what the hell happened at the end of X8.
As for playable characters, I have some worry as to how Bass would be represented in an 8-biy fashion. He's more decorative in design than Mega or Protoman so I have to question how well he would look simplified.
Personally, I'd love to be able to Roll through the levels. I guess it's not gonna happen, but you can always hope. Gameplay would be very different, though, considering she's nothing more than a housekeeping robot. Wouldn't make much sense to have her as a playable character. Still, it would make an interesting change.
No matter what extras we'll get, I'm so in with this. Megaman 9 was made of win (although I always wanted to be able to slide), so expectations are high. At least one copy sold!
Personally, I'd love to be able to Roll through the levels. I guess it's not gonna happen, but you can always hope. Gameplay would be very different, though, considering she's nothing more than a housekeeping robot. Wouldn't make much sense to have her as a playable character. Still, it would make an interesting change.
Hell, you can play as the three navigators in X8. Being able to play as Pallete, Layer and Alia makes no sense either but you can do it.
But really, not that I'm really being an advocate for any kind of movement, but Roll's designation as the "housekeeper robot" may be one of the most insulting designations in the entire MM universe, although Splash Woman's appearance does what it can to reverse some of that. Personally, I'm waiting for a robot master called "Hare Hermaphrodite" to put the cap on naming fairness.
Also, I thought you could play as Roll in Mega Man Powered-Up?
Additionally, the difficulty factor of MM9 (from what I've heard) was quite high, I don't really care about the challenge factor as much as I do about the fun factor. Case in point, Mega Man 2 isn't hard but it's my favorite regardless.
I thought that MM9 was pretty easy, I finished it just hours after getting it.
Ashley Winchester wrote:Additionally, the difficulty factor of MM9 (from what I've heard) was quite high, I don't really care about the challenge factor as much as I do about the fun factor. Case in point, Mega Man 2 isn't hard but it's my favorite regardless.
I thought that MM9 was pretty easy, I finished it just hours after getting it.
It very well may be; most of the people who where telling me about the overall difficulty weren't regular blue-bomber players. In the hands of a veteran the game may be very, very manageable. But in the general sense I look at funfactor and other things before I look at challenge.
This wouldn't be a bad time to perhaps explain what happened between old Mega Man (10) and Mega Man X -- maybe even throw in some sprite-style X...
That would be nice, but Capcom is probably saving that for the last old Mega Man game they're going to make, so that might still be a while
On the other hand, if MM10's story deals with some kind of robot virus, it might actually not be very far off...
I thought that MM9 was pretty easy, I finished it just hours after getting it.
Same here.
All those people complaining about the difficulty are a bunch of pussies.
Sure you'll die, probably A LOT, but it's never unfair, and if you just stick at it you'll get through in no time.
As for playable characters, I have some worry as to how Bass would be represented in an 8-biy fashion. He's more decorative in design than Mega or Protoman so I have to question how well he would look simplified.
Ashley Winchester wrote:Additionally, the difficulty factor of MM9 (from what I've heard) was quite high, I don't really care about the challenge factor as much as I do about the fun factor. Case in point, Mega Man 2 isn't hard but it's my favorite regardless.
I thought that MM9 was pretty easy, I finished it just hours after getting it.
I'm sure it got you good a few times. Those robots that f---ing swoop down out of nowhere and drag you into spikes at mach speeds in Galaxy Man's stage had me busting out every swear word in every language that I know.
Daniel K wrote:Ashley Winchester wrote:Additionally, the difficulty factor of MM9 (from what I've heard) was quite high, I don't really care about the challenge factor as much as I do about the fun factor. Case in point, Mega Man 2 isn't hard but it's my favorite regardless.
I thought that MM9 was pretty easy, I finished it just hours after getting it.
I'm sure it got you good a few times. Those robots that f---ing swoop down out of nowhere and drag you into spikes at mach speeds in Galaxy Man's stage had me busting out every swear word in every language that I know.
Yeah, I did die a lot. But its the kind of game where you get the hang of it very quickly, and it was over in no time. I seem to recall having the most difficulties with Jewel Man's stage and the second-to-last Dr. Wily stage. Galaxy Man was a breeze, though...
I thought that MM9 was pretty easy, I finished it just hours after getting it.
All those people complaining about the difficulty are a bunch of pussies.
I'm sure you're a much better gamer than most but compared to the rest of the series, but Mega Man 9 kicked my ass in the beginning -- as it was intended by the developers. This game has a learning curve and is more indicative of old-school game difficulty and the patience that comes along with beating it. No other in the series took me an hour plus to crack the shell of difficulty of 9 (though I was surprised when I reached Galaxy Man and took him down on my first encounter).
After the initial shock, MM9 became more a welcomed experience and though I've still not beaten it, it's more rewarding than many of the older games.
Some additional information: No female robot masters, no charge shot or slide, Commando Man, and a March release.
http://www.themmnetwork.com/2009/12/11/ … mando-man/
Now I'm just hoping that the game is released on the PSN.
Some additional information: No female robot masters, no charge shot or slide, Commando Man, and a March release.
March, hmm? That's probably for the best. January's very busy, and February has one or two, but March is kind of wide open. The sandstorms idea stings a little personally, because when Nintendo Power had their boss contest I designed a Simoomman whose stage centered around that very gimmick. I was proud of my 11-year-old self. At least the idea finally made it in.
Hey Commando Man - boxers or briefs?
Ashley Winchester wrote:As for playable characters, I have some worry as to how Bass would be represented in an 8-bit fashion. He's more decorative in design than Mega or Protoman so I have to question how well he would look simplified.
I meant on the NES. I had no clue the Wonderswan was 8-bit.
Wow! March!?
That's pretty soon!
Can't wait!
I'm not as excited about the game as much as I am about getting more music, I hope to get some more stage tracks like the awesome themes for Magma Man and Plug Man.
I just hope we get another awesome arrange album like we got with Megaman 9.
I hope to get some more stage tracks like the awesome themes for Magma Man and Plug Man.
I feel Kawakami understands the feel of Megaman music better than anyone else in the company.
Ashley Winchester wrote:I hope to get some more stage tracks like the awesome themes for Magma Man and Plug Man.
I feel Kawakami understands the feel of Megaman music better than anyone else in the company.
Exactly, but I think Akemi Kimura had a good handle on MM music on X5~X8 as well.
Is it safe to assume that the game will also be headed to PSN and XBLA?
Now I'm just hoping that the game is released on the PSN.
And there we go:
I just read the same thing here: http://www.themmnetwork.com/2009/12/16/ … -subtitle/ ... along with a few other pieces of information and better scans of the images