Ashley Winchester Jan 11, 2010
Ok, this may seem like a silly topic, but hearing some additional opinions may prove helpful.
I'm currently whipping a review up for the Rockman Powered-Up/Maverick Hunter X promo disc that came out a few months ago, and before I started tackling Powered-Up's take on music I explained my stance on the original version.
There are some classic themes to be had, no doubt, but am I the only one who sees this soundtrack (and the game itself) more as a step in evolution than a series calling card? Also, is it just me, but is CutMan's theme really an anomaly? It's uber-happy (which is probably why it's my favorite of the bunch) for a score that is somewhat dark and moody and nowhere as carefree as some of those that followed. There are other hints of quirkiness in themes like Guts, Bomb and Ice Man but the difference is very stark.
Anyway, what do you think of this soundtrack in general?