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jb Feb 1, 2010

Final Fantasy XIII songs ... on vinyl?! Discuss!

I need someone to buy this for me.  I will pay cost + shipping + middleman fee + ???.  Anything.  You can have my firstborn, as well.  Please contact me, j s u t a n AT g m a i l . c o m, it would be much appreciated! smile

Bernhardt Feb 2, 2010

jb wrote:

Final Fantasy XIII songs ... on vinyl?! Discuss!

I need someone to buy this for me.  I will pay cost + shipping + middleman fee + ???.  Anything.  You can have my firstborn, as well.  Please contact me, j s u t a n AT g m a i l . c o m, it would be much appreciated! smile

I've had Kahori, from Cocoebiz / VGM World act as a go-between for me, last time I wanted something from S-E's JPN site.

These days, though, she might not be up to it, but you can certainly e-mail her...

Boco Feb 2, 2010

There are also websites that offer this service. I'm sure there are quite a few, but the two that I'm aware of are:



A fellow forum goer might be able to offer a better deal though. :3

Lowe Feb 17, 2010 (edited Feb 17, 2010)

I'd like to get this too. I have a perfectly good turntable that needs some use. Importing is such a pain though.

James O Feb 17, 2010

NCSX I know a lot of people hate on here, but they did offer a small window of pre-ordering this.  You can't order it anymore off the site (I managed to get in on it...)  According to their description it will have 8 tracks (4 on each side) with one track on it exclusive to this LP.

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