Ramza wrote:I heard Tommy was going to be there. Tommy, were you there?
You heard right, my man, but I only caught the first half or so of the VGO set. It was decent but not as good as their performance at Berklee back in November. The sound at AB wasn't so hot. Also, I didn't catch their set at PAX East last weekend since I only had a ticket for Friday*, but my friend went and he said they totally tore it up! I'm a little VGO'd out since I've seen them three times in the past year, but they're still very much worth checking out if you haven't seen them and are in the area for a show. Shota is a goddamn animal on that guitar!
Side note: I live about 15 minutes from Berklee/Boston, so if there are any future shows that people want to check out I'd be happy to come hang and provide a couch for you to crash on! 
* PAX was ridiculous. I went on Friday so I could see Metroid Metal, got to meet the dudes in the band, spent most of my day wandering in an out of bars near the convention, got hammered and somehow ended up watching the MM set with Tycho from Penny Arcade. Did anyone else check out PAX East?