Megaman Legends 3
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Idolores Sep 29, 2010 (edited Sep 29, 2010)
Oh God, I came.
One more reason to get a 3DS.

Smeg Sep 29, 2010
I wasn't particularly looking forward to acquiring a 3DS. If they secure the same voice actor for Teisel I might have to.

Idolores Sep 29, 2010
I wasn't particularly looking forward to acquiring a 3DS. If they secure the same voice actor for Teisel I might have to.
And not have Megaman voiced by Sailor Jupiter. Actually, as far as sound goes, I hope the entire original Legends cast reprises their roles.

SonicPanda Sep 29, 2010 (edited Sep 29, 2010)
Actually, as far as sound goes, I hope the entire original Legends cast reprises their roles.
This should absolutely be the first order of business. Teisel's VA is probably in my all-time Top 5; he absolutely nails the character.
I'm curious as to what this new method of game design he talks about is. But this is a red-letter day, and I plan on dropping a reserve as soon as it's allowed. Or in Teiselish:
OHH you're MINE, blue boy, I'LL GET YOU!

Ashley Winchester Sep 29, 2010
Dreams really do come true.
Isn't really close to the the name of the opening song for Legends 2?
Anyway, I'm just sooo glad the major issue in Legends 2 ending will be resolved.

Idolores Sep 29, 2010
More than anything, I hope we get a dark brown, bloom-filled open world sandbox style game with lots of quick time events.

Amazingu Sep 29, 2010
More than anything, I hope we get a dark brown, bloom-filled open world sandbox style game with lots of quick time events.
And dialogue trees!
TONS of 'em.

Ashley Winchester Sep 30, 2010
I agree on the VA, the voice cast went a long way towards making the games (and story) work as well as they did.
And yeah, I like MML's MM more than MML2's although it really didn't bug me as much as it probably should have. Replacing one of the Bonnes would have really grinded my gears.

Idolores Oct 1, 2010
Think we should get a petition going to secure the original Legends cast, a la Twin Snakes?

Amazingu Jul 19, 2011 (edited Jul 19, 2011)
And BAM, just like that, it's canned again:
http://www.capcom-unity.com/gregaman/bl … rom_capcom
Hardly surprising, but it's still a bit of a kick in the balls to some, I suppose.

GoldfishX Jul 19, 2011
Wow, Megaman is sure getting dicked over the past year or so...Two cancelled games, no appearance in Marvel vs Capcom...
Anyone think this has to do with Inafune leaving and the people at Capcom are a little salty over it? Seems like the blue bomber's fate has turned since the man left.

Amazingu Jul 19, 2011
Wow, Megaman is sure getting dicked over the past year or so...Two cancelled games, no appearance in Marvel vs Capcom...
Anyone think this has to do with Inafune leaving and the people at Capcom are a little salty over it? Seems like the blue bomber's fate has turned since the man left.
The press release explicitly states that it doesn't, although they're likely to say that.
Besides, Zero was in MvC, as was Tron, and I don't think it's something personal against Megaman himself.

SonicPanda Jul 19, 2011
Hardly surprising, but it's still a bit of a kick in the balls to some, I suppose.
You suppose correctly.
This has been...kind of a bad month.
I had a rather nasty case of dehydration that sidelined me for a bit.
One of my cats is sick, and barfing up nearly everything we get for him. This is how Willow was acting for a few weeks before we lost him.
The polarization filter on my auxiliary PSP busted, and now there's dark circles all over the screen.
Nintendo formally dashed my hopes of supporting Xenoblade without importing.
I learned one of my favorite games so far this year, Shadows of the Damned, tanked in a big way.
And the absolute worst, the bone cancer that my mom was supposed to not have, according to her CAT scan, was shortly thereafter shown to be in Stage 4 throughout her torso on a follow-up PET scan, and we won't even have a good grasp of her chances until she gets a biopsy the doctor's already pushed back twice. At this point we don't know if it's estrogen-related and therefore almost fully treatable, or if it's something else and largely a question of years or months.
That last one kind of dwarfs them all, obviously, and is going to command most of my attention for the near future, but this MM news still hurts in a very raw way. It feels very much like a harbinger that the franchise is dead entirely, and the core of my interest in videogaming is gone. The adult part of me realizes that cosmically speaking it's a silly thing to be depressed about, but that's of no comfort to my inner child. It just hurts.

Idolores Jul 19, 2011 (edited Jul 19, 2011)
The adult part of me realizes that cosmically speaking it's a silly thing to be depressed about, but that's of no comfort to my inner child. It just hurts.
I know that feel, bro.
I can see why you'd be upset about it. That shit with your mother and your cat is pretty sad; Getting to play a new Legends game somewhere on the horizon may have been a small comfort for you.

Smeg Jul 19, 2011
Hey, guess who has no more interest in a 3DS?

GoldfishX Jul 19, 2011
Hey, guess who has no more interest in a 3DS?
But you can play an outdated version of Street Fighter 4 with a new camera angle.
My friend has one and he's trying to sell me on the 3D effects. I usually respond by flipping the 3D switch to the "off" position. It's become an ongoing troll war.

Qui-Gon Joe Jul 19, 2011
My friend has one and he's trying to sell me on the 3D effects. I usually respond by flipping the 3D switch to the "off" position. It's become an ongoing troll war.
As a 3DS owner, I heartily do NOT recommend the system yet. When I broke and got one it was totally due to my weakness for new gaming tech, not out of any great desire for the software lineup. And as of now I really have only played Pilotwings (which is actually pretty great, but not a system seller if you don't have an unnatural love for PW like I do...). My favorite thing about the system thus far are Streetpass and associated games. A couple weeks in Japan keeping the system on in my pocket and I managed to get over 200 people and played the very fun Find Mii mini-rpg to the end.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaanyway, as for Megaman Legends 3, I've never played the originals and I'm not a big MM fan, but this just seems like SUCH a dick move on the part of Capcom. I mean, come on, games get cancelled all the time, but after the big announcements and the fan involvement in choosing stuff (voting on character designs, etc.), it just seems like they're making a mockery of their biggest fans. With this and the big middle finger we got for Gyakuten Saiban 2, I'm not really impressed with Capcom lately.

XLord007 Jul 19, 2011
I've never had much interest in the MML series due to the awful controls in the first game (which I admit weren't so bad in MML2 if still lacking), but I was kinda rooting for this one since Capcom really impressed with me with the way it was including fans in the game's development. I thought the paid demo was a great idea to make fans put their money with their mouths were, and I'm sad to see the experiment killed off prematurely. The death of Mega Man Universe was well deserved since (a) it looked terrible and (b) every gameplay impression said the controls didn't feel like Mega Man, so good riddance to that, but BOO to Capcom for canceling this one. Adds insult to injury after they refused to localize Ace Attorney Investigations 2.

XLord007 Jul 19, 2011
As a 3DS owner, I heartily do NOT recommend the system yet.
Agreed. I enjoy using the slide pad to play Okamiden, and I'm glad I have something to play Shantae on, but there's no reason to get a 3DS yet. For those on the fence, I'd recommend waiting for the first price drop or at least until Super Mario 3DS comes out.

GoldfishX Jul 20, 2011
All I have to say about Mega Man Universe: Having a game with Bad Box Art Megaman would have been epic, no matter how bad it is.
Hmm...Bad Box Art Megaman...new Marvel vs Capcom 3 character, perhaps? I mean, they did switch to a more American style for the game...can't get more "American" than that!

Idolores Jul 20, 2011
Adds insult to injury after they refused to localize Ace Attorney Investigations 2.
I was talking to Angie about this a little while ago; I was adamantly certain they would release it Stateside, with my logic being that if Tatsunoko vs Capcom got a US release (keeping in mind that it's absolutely chock full of bizarre, esoteric Japanese cartoon characters), then there's no reason AAI2 shouldn't either.
I've long since stopped caring about the Phoenix Wright universe, but I am truly stunned we never got that game. What's going on, Capcom?

Sami Jul 20, 2011
Rather than an insulated case, this is symptomatic of how out of touch Japanese companies like Capcom are right now. They just don't know what to do, where to place their bets, what to develop and publish... and the result is decisions like this. If the Japanese game industry moved as a unified whole like they did on PlayStation 2 and in earlier generations, they might have a chance, but now they're spread all over the place and all the different platforms with no clue about what they could do on their own to improve the situation. It's sad, really.

XLord007 Jul 20, 2011
I was talking to Angie about this a little while ago; I was adamantly certain they would release it Stateside, with my logic being that if Tatsunoko vs Capcom got a US release (keeping in mind that it's absolutely chock full of bizarre, esoteric Japanese cartoon characters), then there's no reason AAI2 shouldn't either.
While you know I feel that AAI2 should come here, it's not exactly fair to compare it to Tatsunoko vs Capcom since a fighting game requires far less localization work than a text heavy adventure.

XLord007 Jul 20, 2011 (edited Jul 20, 2011)
Capcom Europe (full of class as always) says it's the fans' fault that MML3 got canned:

James O Jul 21, 2011
We're also not getting Phoenix VS Layton either right? I remember reading that somewhere...

Amazingu Jul 21, 2011
We're also not getting Phoenix VS Layton either right?
I remember reading that somewhere...
Seems like it's awfully early to comment on that.

SonicPanda Jul 21, 2011
Capcom Europe (full of class as always) says it's the fans' fault that MML3 got canned
Well of course they did. Capcom saw DMC4 as a failure despite its being the fastest in the series to reach 2 million+ sales, simply because they saw no reason it shouldn't have performed past even that. So that part where they're rebooting the series with a heretofore-unsuccessful dev with a widely-reviled redesign and mechanical overhaul? That's because the fans didn't meet their expectations.
Ghost Trick and Okamiden sales not up to snuff? Not because they barely raised awareness of them in a dense fog of MvC3 hype, or played with the release dates or anything. The fans just couldn't get their act together. I guess they don't care about Takumi's or Eshiro's output anymore.
And Megaman, so disappointing. All they asked was for a small-but-dedicated fanbase to maybe double their size and spend every waking moment doing their marketing for them to keep the project alive, and they just didn't wish hard enough. Especially in the West, where even though ZX Advent, MM9 and MM10 all sold better than in Japan, Capcom saw little-to-no evidence that we're even fond of the franchise. If we really loved him, we'd have re-tweeted every post, camped by our computers to robotically Like every update on Facebook, bought more merch (by the way, don't forget to buy that Megaman Tribute artbook we're launching this week at Comic-Con! It'll be a huge deciding factor as to whether or not we put him in as UMvC3 DLC, because despite the fact that MMX was far and away the lead Capcom request in that feedback poll we did, what have you done for us lately, really? Love Capcom). What lazy bastards we are, just sitting with our ready money held aside to fill a void that been around for eleven years running. Can't wait until his silver anniversary next year, when they announce a deal with EA and Bungie to reboot the series as a third-person shooter, and replace him and Protoman with Ryu and Frank West. Because they apparently need to be everywhere, at all times.
UGH. OK, I'm done. Sorry. It's funny in retrospect how I thought I'd moved onto Acceptance earlier this afternoon. Good job at keeping the wound septic, Capcom.

XLord007 Jul 21, 2011
Now, that was an EPIC post, my friend (please forgive my use of the internet vernacular).
Today I read that people apparently slammed the hell out of Capcom Europe's twitter over yesterday's comment, others vandalized the wiki for MML3, and still others started false rumors about Capcom security people asking anyone wearing a costume of a Mega Man related character to be thrown out of Comic Con. That last one really cracked me up. Can you imagine?
Capcom also said yesterday that UMvC3 is going to be a $40 disc release instead of DLC because of the earthquake. I'm sure it has nothing to with the fact that UMvC3 is a license to print money and they can make more by restricting it to retail.

XLord007 Jul 21, 2011 (edited Jul 21, 2011)
James O wrote:We're also not getting Phoenix VS Layton either right?
I remember reading that somewhere...
Seems like it's awfully early to comment on that.
Although it seems unlikely that this will get a Western release, it would be interesting to see who would publish it. Level 5 is developing and publishing in Japan, but Nintendo has published all of the Layton games in the West so far. I know Level 5 has expressed an interest in publishing its own games in the West, but that has yet to happen. If this came here, who would publish? Could be Level 5, Nintendo, Capcom, or someone else entirely. Of course, the game doesn't even have a Japanese release date yet, so let's get through that launch first.

Qui-Gon Joe Jul 22, 2011
God I hope Level 5 is set up in the U.S. for publishing by the time Layton vs. Wright comes out. It's pretty apparent that we can't depend on EITHER Capcom or Nintendo for guaranteed releases of major titles in the states...

XLord007 Jul 26, 2011 (edited Jul 27, 2011)
God I hope Level 5 is set up in the U.S. for publishing by the time Layton vs. Wright comes out. It's pretty apparent that we can't depend on EITHER Capcom or Nintendo for guaranteed releases of major titles in the states...
Looks like they're well on their way:
http://www.1up.com/news/level-5-ceo-tal … nted-video
I think you'll also like this poll on their facebook page:

Ashley Winchester Nov 1, 2011
Uh... I don't think I need to say this but this was canceled