Ashley Winchester Oct 14, 2010
Mega Man X: Command Mission, or the Mega Man X RPG. What's your opinion on it?
To be honest, I don't find this game too great or too bad. It's just kind of there. I could see being disappointed if you paid full price for it but for $5~$15 it's a decent FFX clone. Probably the biggest strike against it is the dungeon design which is pretty mundane. The story isn't that great either, although I was pretty happy with the game not having anything to do with Sigma.
Still, I remember reading things about the game before it came out, about it being done by the same team as Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter. All I could think about that was "that's suppose to make me feel better/instill confidence in me? Sure..." Such a lack of faith had more to with the lack of success DQ received however, as I still haven't gotten around to that game.
As for the soundtrack, I don't know why but I like this one considering I'm not a fan of Shinya Okada. Personally, I think he got a blank check on this one... I didn't really have any expectations on how a Mega Man RPG was going to sound like. Lucky bastard.