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Ashley Winchester Oct 14, 2010

Mega Man X: Command Mission, or the Mega Man X RPG. What's your opinion on it?

To be honest, I don't find this game too great or too bad. It's just kind of there. I could see being disappointed if you paid full price for it but for $5~$15 it's a decent FFX clone. Probably the biggest strike against it is the dungeon design which is pretty mundane. The story isn't that great either, although I was pretty happy with the game not having anything to do with Sigma.

Still, I remember reading things about the game before it came out, about it being done by the same team as Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter. All I could think about that was "that's suppose to make me feel better/instill confidence in me? Sure..." Such a lack of faith had more to with the lack of success DQ received however, as I still haven't gotten around to that game.

As for the soundtrack, I don't know why but I like this one considering I'm not a fan of Shinya Okada. Personally, I think he got a blank check on this one... I didn't really have any expectations on how a Mega Man RPG was going to sound like. Lucky bastard.

Amazingu Oct 14, 2010 (edited Oct 15, 2010)

My opinion on it is generally negative.

I had some fun with it, admittedly, and I loved how you could collect artwork and stuff.
I have the GC version and there's some nice integration with the GBA to help you look for hidden treasure and stuff, but towards the end of the game, bosses started becoming insanely hard and required way too much time and effort.

I didn't like the music at ALL, save for what I think was one of the later battle themes.

I don't remember much from the story, apart from the fact that I recall totally facepalming at the fact that there is a character named Spider who decides to disguise himself as a character named Redips which is completely retarded (If you think that's a spoiler, you deserve a whack around the ears).

Might as well call yourself Alucard.

Also, BoF Dragon Quarter is a COMPLETELY different beast.
Also too hard for my taste, but it does nail pretty much everything else.

SonicPanda Oct 15, 2010 (edited Oct 15, 2010)

Amazingu wrote:

I don't remember much from the story, apart from the fact that I recall totally facepalming at the fact that there are a character named Spider who decides to disguise himself as a character named Redips which is completely retarded (If you think that's a spoiler, you deserve a whack around the ears).

I think it's the other way around, but whatever. I thought it was more ridiculous early on when they introduce some random guy that X apparently knows and then arbitrarily kill him ten minutes later.
CM's not a great game (and not a great soundtrack either, outside of two pieces I thought were OK), but it's harmless enough. At least until that sudden difficulty spike comes out of friggin' nowhere (around the end of Chapter 5) and ruins everything.
I was kind of amused to find there was a trope-related reason behind Nana's odd design, though.

ElementalKnight Oct 15, 2010 (edited Oct 15, 2010)

Command Mission's a fun time-waster.  It's not particularly well-done, but I enjoyed the time I had with it.

I definitely do like the soundtrack more than you guys seem to, though.  Central Tower, Forest Treasure, The Decrepit Fortress, and Law and Order are my faves, and I also enjoy Brave Resolve and Cinnamon Worries Endlessly.  The soundtrack fits the style of the game well, and that makes other tracks I don't like as much seem more "right" somehow.

Ashley Winchester Oct 15, 2010

SonicPanda wrote:

At least until that sudden difficulty spike comes out of friggin' nowhere (around the end of Chapter 5) and ruins everything.

I'm not trying to flex my RPG skillz like a douche, but I don't recall the difficulty spiking in that game... I think the only thing that was really, really unfair was if Mach Jentra got healed by a Preon Soldier. That could screw you so bad it wasn't funny.

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