Trisquall May 4, 2006
Hello everyone. This is my first post on the new forums. I've been posting here extremely infrequently over the past few years, so I doubt anyone remembers me, but hello anyway.
Anyway, I was driving to my college this morning listening to the Silent Hill soundtrack for the first time in a while, and thinking "goddamn this disc kicks a dangerously large amount of ass." I couldn't find a track i didn't like on it. I skip around and come to one of my favorites, "I"ll Kill You," which starts out very quiet, then gradually increases in volume, like, three times over. And the bass. I had forgotten how extreme the mixdown on this disc was, particularly with the bonecrushing lower frequencies. Anyway, I decided to play this track louder than I had ever played any track before. The bulid up was sweet, great tensions building. Louder, and louder. How much louder could this song possibly get, I wondered.
Not much, because the next thing I heard was constant rattling that obscured what was supposed to be the music. Even at very low volumes now, the speakers rattle so much they are pretty much unusable.
I didn't think this was something that actually happened. I hear some bands say their shit is so crazy it'll blow your speakers out, but it's one of those things I thought would never happen to me. But ultimately, out of all the albums I own, I'm glad - hell, downright proud - that it was Silent Hill that did the deed.
The only thing is now I'm kind of scared to spin this disc at high volumes again. Silent Hill found a new way to give me anxiety.
Just thought y'all should be warned. Careful with the volume knob when you play this soundtrack. It needs constant attention.