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Angela May 1, 2011

More than L.A. Noire, the big video game for me this month is Lego Pirates of the Caribbean. I pretty much jumped ship midway through the first Lego Indiana Jones, and consequently, the Lego series as a whole.  But my infatuation with Pirates is overwhelming enough that I'll allow Traveller's Tales to reel me in one more time.  It really does look like a lot of fun.

And with little else of interest this month, I'm likely going to allow myself to get swept up by the newly invigorated Pirates marketing.  There's the "On Stranger Tides" art book and the soundtrack -- and I just went ahead and put an order in for the reprint of the Tim Powers novel.  (Terrific read, by the way.  It'll be interesting to see just how many elements they've culled for the new movie.)

Herrkotowski May 1, 2011

My purchases for the month of May:

Shin Akai Katana Original Soundtrack
Strania Original Soundtrack
ESCHATOS Original Soundtrack
Ridge Racer 3D Original Soundtrack
Mamoru-kun wa Norowarete Shimatta! Meikai Katsugeki Arrange Tracks
Senko no Ronde DUO -fullflat- sound tracks vol.2

Not sure if there will be any game purchases or not this month.

James O May 1, 2011

Light month for me, no games to buy and no blu-ray movies either, no gaming soundtracks out for me.

A couple of Pertwee stories are out this month:
Doctor Who - Terror of the Autons
Doctor Who - Planet of the Spiders

I made use of CD Japan's request service to order me up a vinyl copy of SQ TRAX which isn't readily available via online stores that ship out of Japan - it has some tracks from their 3 cd releases - MORE SQ, LOVE SQ, and CHILL SQ, with a couple exclusives to SQ TRAX.

And Final Fantasy XIII Creatures KAI Vol. 3 is out supposedly in May too in Japan.

That's it for me.

XLord007 May 1, 2011

I'm pretty sure there's nothing coming out this month that I'm planning to buy other than the Ridge Racer 3D Direct Audio CD.  I might buy LA Noire later on when its cheap if gets good reviews, but it's not something I need anytime soon.  I am, however, very much looking forward to the expected late May launch of the 3DS eShop so that I can finally buy Shantae: Risky's Revenge.  I might also pick up X-Scape from DSiware as well.

SonicPanda May 1, 2011

XLord007 wrote:

I am, however, very much looking forward to the expected late May launch of the 3DS eShop so that I can finally buy Shantae: Risky's Revenge.  I might also pick up X-Scape from DSiware as well.

I would also recommend Artstyle PiCTOBITS if you can swing it; once you understand how it plays, the way it comes together is sublime.

May is, in a word, barren. The only game release that registers even a blip of interest is Bangai-O HD: Missile Fury. Udon has some nice artbooks coming, but the real prize - the Valkyria Chronicles one - isn't coming until June. That leaves the premiere of the Megaman comic, and while the preview pages are handsome to look at, I'd like a better feel of the personality before committing to a subscription.

In a way though, a tame May is a good thing. I've my nephew's wedding, my mom's birthday and Mother's Day itself to tend to, and a 3DS to save for before the MML3 Prototype hits in June.

LiquidAcid May 4, 2011

Not getting anything that is released in May, but Angela's review of the Gyakuten Kenji 2 OST convinced me to finally order it. Which clears another of the albums that were released in February from my list (still one to go).

Apart from that I'm saving my money for the release of Atelier albums that are coming out in June. smile

Sami May 4, 2011

Definitely interested in WayForward's Thor for DS. Besides that, I don't really know what's coming out. Might buy Sid Meier's Pirates for Wii this month. Looking forward to Wii Play Motion in June, hope it's good.

Pellasos May 4, 2011

i got some older VGM on the way.

i'll be playing White Knight Chronicles 2 and L.A. Noire this month.

Idolores May 10, 2011 (edited May 10, 2011)

Nothing but an electric razor. I grew my scruff out over the last month and there's no way my beloved Schick Quattro can even approach the overgrowth occurring on my face right now.

Edit: Wait, LA Noire hits this month? Probably be picking that up, too.

Angela May 10, 2011

And of course, how could I forget Lady Gaga's next full-length studio album, "Born This Way"?  Definitely opting for the 22 track Special Edition.

Carl May 17, 2011

James O wrote:

success!  SQ TRAX is mine.  CD Japan's request service worked perfectly.

Nice! Gonna be recording some .WAV files of that one?

James O May 18, 2011

Carl wrote:
James O wrote:

success!  SQ TRAX is mine.  CD Japan's request service worked perfectly.

Nice! Gonna be recording some .WAV files of that one?

If I can get access to a turntable I definitely am.  There's a production studio at the station here where there is one hooked up to a board, but it's fairly busy.

Wanderer May 18, 2011

I'm curious about LA Noire but I think this month is mostly going to be backlog, backlog, backlog. I never got far in Valkyria Chronicles so I've been playing that a bunch, alternating with Dead Space.

Carl May 18, 2011 (edited May 18, 2011)

James O wrote:
Carl wrote:
James O wrote:

success!  SQ TRAX is mine.  CD Japan's request service worked perfectly.

Nice! Gonna be recording some .WAV files of that one?

If I can get access to a turntable I definitely am.  There's a production studio at the station here where there is one hooked up to a board, but it's fairly busy.

I've got one of these things I'd let you borrow, but it wouldn't really be cost effective to be mailing that back and forth...

Well, I can offer to record it for you here though. Provided you'd be willing to ship the vinyl my direction, which of course is entirely up to your discretion.

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