Zane May 23, 2012 (edited May 24, 2012)
1. Final Fantasy VI Original Sound Version
Like GX said, somehow this sounds even better nowadays than it did years ago. This album defines classic VGM for me.
2. Final Fantasy VII Original Soundtrack
After about fifteen years of love-hate with this game and its music, I have firmly and finally decided on loving it. The quintessential soundtrack of my adolescence.
3. Silent Hill 2 Original Soundtrack
My favorite SH album and what I consider to me Yamaoka's most honest album to date. No other Silent Hill album is as varied, balanced and enveloping (without being abrasive) as this one.
4. Final Fantasy Tactics Original Sound Track
Sakimoto and Iwata are like peanut butter and jelly. Or, they're like two different delicious kinds of peanut butter. Either way, this is a one awesome VGM sandwich.
5. Dracula Battle II Perfect Selection
I regret selling this album on a daily basis. Easily the best of the Konami Battle albums overall, and my favorite VGM arrange album of all time.
6. Final Fantasy Vocal Collections 1 ~Pray~
This album is amazingly tender. I used to listen to this around Christmas time, so hearing it now evokes images of being snowed in, sitting by the fireplace with family. An album that just feels like home.
7. Final Fantasy VIII Original Soundtrack
While it's clear that parts of this album signaled Uematu's slow decline into less inspired music, overall it's a great experience and is the last work of his I consider to be completely worthwhile.
8. Silent Hill Original Soundtrack
The other half of Silent Hill 2 OST, this is the most abrasive album I have. That said, it's a standalone experience that any other horror soundtrack has yet to capture and has been in my collection for well over a decade. This CD + headphones + dark room = nightmares.
9. Silent Hill 3 Original Soundtrack
The first signs of the decline of the series is shown here, but it's still a solid album with a big selection of timeless tracks (although I could do without the final Rain of Brass Petals mix).
10. Final Fantasy XII Original Soundtrack
While this is a massive album that can get very same-y at times, especially with the action and dramatic queues, I think this is "new" Sakimoto at his best. The balance of colors and tonality in his writing is amazingly thick. I could loop some of the location themes for hours.
11. Silent Hill 4 -The Room- Original Soundtracks
Good, but not great. The album lacks some of the development from SH2/SH3, but it's still a fun listen.
12. Vagrant Story Original Soundtrack
Amazingly oppressive with expositions of real beauty. I love this entire album, but really need to be in the mood to hear most of the tracks. (Although I could listen to "Staff Roll" all day, every day.)
13. Final Fantasy The Black Mages
Before the Black Mages turned into a crappy rock band, they were a less crappy rock band. "Battle on the Big Bridge" and the themes from FFVI make this album for me.
14. Dracula Battle Perfect Selection
Not as good as Dracula Battle II, this album is still real solid and has a great selection of arrangements.
Smooth and more laid back than I'd expect from a SFII album, but I still dig it very much. T. Hawk's theme is gold!
16. Voodoo Vince Original Xbox game music
A random purchase from a retail store that ended up being unlike any other VGM that I've owned. A smooth mix of funky Americana and a bunch of other styles with some real great melodies. Highly recommended across the board.
17. Breath of Fire V Dragon Quarter Original Soundtrack
Not Sakimoto's best, but a fairly seamless blend between his orchestral and electronic styles. There are some really emotional themes here that hit the heartstrings in a way that only Sakimoto can. Like most VGM albums, the vocal theme is an atrocity and an offense to the rest of the album.
18. Final Fantasy Vocal Collections 2 ~Love Will Grow~
While not as awesome as ~Pray~, this album still has its fair share of enjoyable tunes - and how can you not love that happy Prelude mix to close the album?!
19. Gungrave O.S.T.
Flat out awesome and weird, and unlike any other VGM albums I have ever heard. This is truly something special to behold when listened to in its entirety. I'd rank this one higher but songs like "ear fudge" and "china moon" can ruin your day if you're not prepared for them - if you're ready for them, though, they are so, so good. (Side note: Imahori's Gungrave anime scores are awesome, too!)
20. Chrono Trigger - The Brink of Time
I'm completely burnt out on Mitsuda, but this album remains fairly fresh and has the best of both worlds: Mitsuda's classic Chrono melodies and some fairly inventive and festive arrangements. I'd take this over the OSV any day.
21. Gradius V Soundtrack
Not as balanced as BoF:V, this pseudo-electronica album is one of Sakimoto's most experimental. Short, but sweet.
22. Metroid Metal - Expansion Pack
23. Metroid Metal - Varia Suite
Nothing to say here except that you should definitely check these great arranged albums out if you haven't yet: http://metroidmetal.bandcamp.com/
After I submitted my results I realized some of the albums should be shifted a bit, but it's all nitpicking at this point. It's very clear that while I've been following game music for well over a decade there are certain albums, composers and series that have been a huge presence in my life for a very long time.
EDIT: PS - thanks for the reminder, Adam!