XLord007 Mar 14, 2012
This makes me even more mad knowing that the odds of getting an OST are slim to none:
This makes me even more mad knowing that the odds of getting an OST are slim to none:
o_o nice. now i want to play the game.
club nintendo exclusive once more:
Wow, has Sakuraba sounded like this for awhile now? I have to admit outside the very first few Tales and first 2 Star Oceans I haven't heard anything by him.
Great lineup and the samples are great, but I have to say I found Mitsuda's track the weakest of the 7 listed.
Hey, as frustrating as it is that the CD is Club Nintendo exclusive, at least there is going to BE one. Now if NoA would ever actually let us have any of those, I'd be super happy. I have a crapton of points lying around that have no purpose other than waiting for possible CD releases. It seriously can't be that hard!!!
club nintendo exclusive once more:
I'd like to think my snarky tweet caused them to announce this a few hours later.
Great lineup and the samples are great, but I have to say I found Mitsuda's track the weakest of the 7 listed.
Not surprising, since the man has been on a downward spiral since Xenosaga.
Not surprising, since the man has been on a downward spiral since Xenosaga.
Personally I think it's been since XenoGEARS, actually. That said, I did think that Soma Bringer was a good deal better than anything else he's done in a long time.
Same here. While some of Xenosaga was passable I haven't heard anything I've liked from him since he left Square. Soma fizzled very quickly and I eventually sold it off.
Wow, has Sakuraba sounded like this for awhile now? I have to admit outside the very first few Tales and first 2 Star Oceans I haven't heard anything by him.
Actually, his output's been pretty weaksauce for a while now. Tales games were never very representative of his work, though. Listen to Valkyrie Profile and Baten Kaitos!
This soundtrack sounds absolutely fantastic. I'm looking forward to playing the game.
Now where's my SKYWARD SWORD CD OST, dang it?!
Zorbfish wrote:Wow, has Sakuraba sounded like this for awhile now? I have to admit outside the very first few Tales and first 2 Star Oceans I haven't heard anything by him.
Actually, his output's been pretty weaksauce for a while now. Tales games were never very representative of his work, though. Listen to Valkyrie Profile and Baten Kaitos!
Exactly. What happened with Star Ocean 4? Bleh.
Actually, his output's been pretty weaksauce for a while now.
I disagree.
Smeg wrote:Actually, his output's been pretty weaksauce for a while now.
I disagree.
I knew you would Nothing he's done since VP2 has moved or inspired me, though.
I knew you would
Nothing he's done since VP2 has moved or inspired me, though.
Not even Beyond the Labyrinth? That'd be sad.
Smeg wrote:I knew you would
Nothing he's done since VP2 has moved or inspired me, though.
Not even Beyond the Labyrinth? That'd be sad.
New to me. Is there a soundtrack release? I don't have a 3DS.
[edit] Never mind, needed to search VGMdb for the Japanese title
Same here. While some of Xenosaga was passable I haven't heard anything I've liked from him since he left Square. Soma fizzled very quickly and I eventually sold it off.
Did you check Armodyne?
Yes, I heard Armodyne back when it was first released but it did nothing for me. About the only post-SQ thing that has interested me by Mistuda has been his work on Lime Odyssey but that can only be heard through youtube.
I kinda have to agree with people. I really like Xenosaga but nothing newer has been particularly noteworthy that I've found.
What a lovely human being
If I had listened to this in 2012, I would've rated it the best album of the year. I finally got my hands on an original (Amazon Japan) and it's stunning, moving, exceptional, exquisite, nostalgic; the production quality is shocking, superb, superior, and silkily transmits longitudinal waves that please my hammer, anvil, and stirrup.
If I had listened to this in 2012, I would've rated it the best album of the year. I finally got my hands on an original (Amazon Japan) and it's stunning, moving, exceptional, exquisite, nostalgic; the production quality is shocking, superb, superior, and silkily transmits longitudinal waves that please my hammer, anvil, and stirrup.
Which CD was this? Catalog number?
I don't understand why this album isn't talked about more - it really is pretty freaking amazing.
I listed it as my #2 in Adam's poll for 2012. Doesn't edge out Bravely Default, but it's still great stuff.