Completed the game! Phew, that was a beautiful challenge! I did it solo, offline. I like it that way, I think it greatly adds to the feeling of isolation, and lets you enjoy the world much more. Some thoughts:
SPOILERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think all three games, Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, and Dark Souls II need to be played to fully appreciate the story. While Demon's Souls is slightly different than the two Dark Souls, it also touches upon the same ideas. My view is that this is a story of order versus chaos. Humanity represents the "dark" while nature (or the divine) represents the "fire". The "curse" which afflicts humans is part of our nature, our need to revert to the dark which is disorder. Recall that this dark comes from the Abyss, and the father of the Abyss is "Manus". Break that name up, and you have "Man" and "us". While I can not be certain that this is exactly what the programmers/translators etc were thinking when they decided upon this name, it is appropriate and I would not be surprised if the root "Man" was chosen on purpose. When the Chosen Undead sacrifices him/herself to continue the Age of Fire, he/she is basically restoring order. Such order is what allows civilizations to be built and thrive. After a time, humans start to revert to their "nature" -they become hollow. They become mindless and attack anything and everything in their hunger. This is the curse. The Emerald Herald was born in the hopes to avert this natural degradation, however this was unsuccessful. In the end of Dark Souls II, it appears that nothing much has changed, which is to say order has been restored, and a new civilization will likely arise. This is supported in many ways, including Sweet Shalquoir who says "Honourable Sovereign, take your throne. And do great things, if it please." Of course, in the end, the player will end up as Vendrick. Such is fate.
I really enjoyed all three games. They were some of the best games I have played, especially the first two. While Dark Souls II was exactly what people wanted (more Dark Souls), there were some game decision I did not like. I realize From decided to make Dark Souls II more difficult, although I'm not sure that was necessary. A game is meant to be enjoyed, not just be punishing. That said, I really did enjoy the exploration in Dark Souls II, however it was not as amazing as Dark Souls I. One of the reasons being that the world in Dark Souls II while huge, was not as interconnected as in Dark Souls I. One of the fantastic things about Dark Souls I was finding all these short cuts that would take you between places so you did not have to backtrack all the time. In Dark Souls II you could instantly travel between any bonfire. I felt that decision was unfortunate. As I said, the world of Dark Souls II is not as interconnected as in Dark Souls I, so perhaps instant travel between any bonfire is a necessity. Regardless, the world was not as seamless, and the locals not as majestic. My favorite area in Dark Souls I was the Darkroot Garden and Basin (fantastic)! In Dark Souls II I don't think I really had a favorite area. I thought the most beautiful area was Majula, and the least interesting Things Betwixt (it's nowhere nearly as awe inspiring as the Undead Asylum in Dark Souls I)! The Dark Souls games are of course told in minimalistic fashion. However, I do like that in Dark Souls I someone says "ring the bells". In Dark Souls II, well, no one says much. A point for Dark Souls II is the fact that enemies stop spawning after enough kills. I actually think that makes many places easier, and if you are finding an area very difficult, you can take out the enemies enough times and they will be gone! Should you want to fight them again, thrown in a bonfire ascetic. Brilliant! Many of the boss fights were fantastic. The Skeleton Lords, the Pursuer, Lost Sinner, Scorpioness, all were epic fights! Some bosses, not so epic of course, but the same is true in Dark Souls I. I wish there was more communication and interactions with the NPCs. For example, Benhart was cool. However, you really did not interact with him that much. In Dark Souls I you interacted with Oscar a LOT! Same with Solaire and your interactions and decisions affected their outcome! Not so much in Dark Souls II. Of course in Dark Souls II we do get a talking cat, so that is a huge bonus (hey, I'm serious
In Dark Souls II they greatly limited your weapon's potential. Only +10 instead of +15. Furthermore, many of the "powerful" weapons you traded for, did not really appear to be particularly powerful. I suppose it may depend on the build, but even so, the fact that such weapons could only be upgraded to +5 using dragon bones is disappointing. I did however like the fact that you trade for weapons, instead of having to wonder if you should reinforce this broken sword so maybe it can be fused with a soul. Anyway, those are some of my thoughts. I hope that Dark Souls is released on the PS4 with some new content! I also hope a direct or spiritual sequel is released. Good times.