Xenogears Perfect Works gets a reprinting!
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LiquidAcid Jan 29, 2014
I've been following this, since it was posted on Siliconera. Since I really want a copy of this (I also own the artbook/guidebook for Xenoblade), I hope it becomes available from CDJapan.

James O Jan 29, 2014
I've been following this, since it was posted on Siliconera. Since I really want a copy of this (I also own the artbook/guidebook for Xenoblade), I hope it becomes available from CDJapan.
someone would have to put in a special request order for it probably as it's being carried by another store in japan.

LiquidAcid Jan 29, 2014
someone would have to put in a special request order for it probably as it's being carried by another store in japan.
Where does it say, that it's only going to be distributed by a single store?

James O Jan 29, 2014
The Siliconera link at the top only mentions a store called Fukkan... I'm just assuming that means that's the only place that's going to sell it. I don't see the reprint listed for pre-order at a place like Amazon Japan so I'm guessing that it's exclusive to Fukkan. I could be wrong tho, it's just a guess.

Kirin Lemon Jan 30, 2014
It was listed for preorder at AmiAmi a couple days back, if that helps anyone.

James O Jan 30, 2014
cool I'll pre-order from there then. Thanks for the tip!

LiquidAcid Feb 13, 2014
It's now also on CDJ: Link

James O Feb 14, 2014
ach i see it's on Amazon Japan now too. ami ami doesn't let you cancel orders online? ugh. never using them again after this.

LiquidAcid Feb 17, 2014
Placed an order on CDJ. I wonder why they decided to reprint the artbook. Does the upcoming new Monolith title 'X' maybe have something to do with it?

Pellasos Feb 19, 2014
chances are good this will be localized. i can't see udon or others passing on this.

Ashley Winchester Feb 19, 2014
i can't see udon or others passing on this.
Speaking of Udon's books, have you seen what these things go for when they go out of print...? Glad I grabbed the Mega Man ones when I did.

Pellasos Feb 19, 2014
i'm not a huge artbook collector, but i stumble about overpriced collectors items every once in a while, yes.