the_miker Oct 6, 2010
According to Mitsuda's own tweets, he is now working with Square Enix on an upcoming Xenogears arranged album that will be all orchestra. You can even vote on which tracks will be selected by going here. Note that you have to sign up (it's free) and you can only vote for three tracks. Thoughts?
I'm super excited as Xenogears is my favorite Mitsuda soundtrack. I doubt this album will surpass CREID for me but maybe it will for you guys who are crazy about live orchestra. Either way, I can't wait for this, glad to see Xenogears getting some love!!
Also I haven't decided on my three votes yet but all I know for sure is that I want Joanne Hogg to return for a live orchestra version of "SMALL TWO OF PIECES" and for it to be the last track on this disc. <3