GoldfishX Feb 6, 2014
I agree in some senses, but disagree because of one main thing: FFVI was noteworthy for not having a real main character, whereas FFVII was pretty much fixated on Cloud. If you had a character you didn't like in FFVI, you could pretty much phase them out by not using them. In FFVII, if you get sick of Cloud, you're kind of stuck with him.
I found VII and VIII to be the most similar. Consistent main character (aka, you're screwed if you hate the main character), 3 man parties, extremely cinematic, a supporting cast that ends up getting lost in the shuffle towards the end, summons that take too long, experimental yet flexible battle systems, lack of items overall to equip, a mix of futuristic and medievil (okay, FFVI had that too). In general, I just found VIII to be largely VII except with a forced "love" theme and lots of little experiments with game mechanics thrown in (like the leveling system and not having monsters drop Gil).