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XLord007 Jun 15, 2006

To celebrate Rockman's upcoming 20th anniversary, Capcom has unveiled the next Rockman franchise, the (hopefully temporarily titled) New Rockman.  I can't make out all the kanji, but the screens seem to suggest that this series will be the follow-up to the popular Rockman EXE series much as the previously announced Rockman ZX series is replacing the Rockman Zero series.  Both are for DS. … 952796.jpg

GoldfishX Jun 15, 2006 (edited Jun 15, 2006)

Disheartening...I'd sooner they just bring the PSP remakes over to DS (which are the only domestic non-RPG titles I have any interest for on the PSP) or continue the original or X series. EXE series isn't bad, but I can't say I'd ever buy another game in the series again (or something loosely related) or that I like the direction its' taken the franchise since its' inception.

Oh well, at least ZX does look good though.

Stephen Jun 15, 2006 (edited Jun 15, 2006)

It looks like Rockman is now a human boy who inherits Rockman's power like a superhero, like ZX.

avatar! Jun 15, 2006

Stephen wrote:

It looks like Rockman is now a human boy who inherits Rockman's power like a superhero, like ZX.

Sounds like Viewtiful Joe to me!
I hate it when a company tries to rewrite things that have worked so well in the past, since they rarely succeed in much more than annoying the fanbase.



SonicPanda Jun 15, 2006

Blargh...I have no love for Battle Network beyond the second game. I would've taken Legends 3, X9, almost anything in a heartbeat over this crap. This is a celebration?

GoldfishX Jun 15, 2006

SonicPanda wrote:

Blargh...I have no love for Battle Network beyond the second game. I would've taken Legends 3, X9, almost anything in a heartbeat over this crap. This is a celebration?

Lest not forgot...We were treated to a reprint of the original Rockman Drama album for Mega's 15th. Not to mention the omnipotent Rockman Vocal Collection...

His 16th Anniversary (the Rockman 1-6 OST collection), 17th Anniversary (the Rockman X OST Collection), 18th Anniversary (Megaman Collection) and 19th Anniversary (Megaman Powered Up, Maverick Hunter X, Megaman X Collection -The Game-) were all better off.

Maybe we'll actually get a Megaman 7 OST for his 21 Anniversary...

Idolores Jun 15, 2006

SonicPanda wrote:

Blargh...I have no love for Battle Network beyond the second game. I would've taken Legends 3, X9, almost anything in a heartbeat over this crap. This is a celebration?

While I disagree on continuing the X series (which slipped downhill after X4 in my opinion), another Legends game (with the original's voice cast!) would be awesome. Just make sure the dungeons don't suck as much as they did in Legends 2.

Amazingu Jun 15, 2006

SonicPanda wrote:

Blargh...I have no love for Battle Network beyond the second game. I would've taken Legends 3, X9, almost anything in a heartbeat over this crap. This is a celebration?

Although I can definitely understand why people don't like the last bunch of BN games, if you liked 2, you should REALLY try 6 as well, because it plays much more like the old games. They basically threw out all the stupid ideas they had for 4 and 5 and actually made it FUN again.

You should give it a try.

As for the X series, I think it's way past its prime, although X8 was pretty good.
I'd prefer a Megaman 9 over a Megaman X9 though.

Qui-Gon Joe Jun 16, 2006

Someone just needs to reprint the Power Fighters/Power Battle CDs.  :\

XLord007 Jun 16, 2006

GoldfishX wrote:

Not to mention the omnipotent Rockman Vocal Collection...

That album rocked.  It was all worth it for "We Are Rockman."

Zane Jun 16, 2006

After my experiences with the DS and PSP, I've learned not to judge anything by the news and just wait to get my hands on it myself. However, I do prefer the early X games more than any other Rockman, although Zero is a good side-series. Legends was decent (ie: not painful to play, although ridiculously different), so who knows? But... I can't say I'm super excited to see Capcom take the pseudo-EXE route once again.

How about another good X game? 2D side scrolling with old school Capcom rock and classic sprites? Yeeeeah.

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