Pedrith Feb 15, 2017
Hi all. I received my copy of The Legend of Zelda 30th Anniversary concert yesterday and listened to it today. I didn't realize that when I preordered that it was a recording of one of the live concerts, not a deal breaker, but does anybody know if there is a way in iTunes to have the song end before the audience starts clapping?
Tracklist with my thoughts (Please note I have only played Zelda 1, 2, A Link to the Past, and Twilight Princess a very long time ago)
Disc One
1) Hyrule Castle - Good although I'm not sure which game this comes from.
2) Princess Zelda's theme - Beautiful.
3) Wind Waker Melody - I think it is the same arrangement from the 25th anniversary album. I liked it a lot.
4) Ocarina of Time Melody - I was very disappointed. I have heard that it has a great soundtrack and was really looking forward to this one as I have never heard it before. I don't speak japanese so forgive me if I am wrong in interpreting it, but it had a very Peter and the Wolf vibe (bits of music broken up by dialogue) but never coalesced into a solid piece of music like the other melodies.
5) Boss Battle Melody - Okay. Nice ending.
6) A Link Between Worlds & Triforce Heroes Melody - Wonderful use of the chorus, very heroic sounding. Nice violin work in the middle that serves as a transition to amazing horn (trumpet ??) work that gives way to a bouncy tune with castanets and choir.
7) Skyward Sword Staff Roll - Rounds off Disc One. Includes the now classic over world theme with great horn work mixed with other themes (Ballad of the Goddess) and choir. The only thing I can compare it to is how the John Williams takes themes from the Star Wars movie and weaves it into an awesome credits roll.
Disc Two
1) 30th Anniversary Symphony Theme - One hell of a way to open the second disc. Strong horn work transitions into the Darkworld Theme from A link to the Past (Perhaps my favourite theme after the classic over world theme) The horn work at 4:30 onward reminds me very strongly of the horn work from the Good, the Bad and the Ugly. This is a very good thing.
2) Minor Themes Melody - The original dungeon music plus others I can identify. Brilliant horn work. I wish it was longer than 4:20 minutes.
3) Gerudo Valley - I think it is the same arrangement from the 25th anniversary album.
4) Hyrule Theme (Ocarina of Time) - I really liked it. Makes me wish the Ocarina of Time Melody was better.
5) Great Fairy Theme - I think it is the same arrangement from the 25th anniversary album.
6) Twilight Princess Melody - Hi all. I received my copy of The Legend of Zelda 30th Anniversary concert yesterday and listened to it today. I didn't realize that when I preordered that it was a recording of one of the live concerts, not a deal breaker, but does anybody know if there is a way in iTunes to have the song end before the audience starts clapping?
Tracklist with my thoughts (Please note I have only played Zelda 1, 2, A Link to the Past, and Twilight Princess a very long time ago)
Disc One
1) Hyrule Castle - Good although I'm not sure which game this comes from.
2) Princess Zelda's theme - Beautiful.
3) Wind Waker Melody - I think it is the same arrangement from the 25th anniversary album. I liked it a lot.
4) Ocarina of Time Melody - I was very disappointed. I have heard that it has a great soundtrack and was really looking forward to this one as I have never heard it before. I don't speak japanese so forgive me if I am wrong in interpreting it, but it had a very Peter and the Wolf vibe (bits of music broken up by dialogue) but never coalesced into a solid piece of music like the other melodies.
5) Boss Battle Melody - Okay. Nice ending.
6) A Link Between Worlds & Triforce Heroes Melody - Wonderful use of the chorus, very heroic sounding. Nice violin work in the middle that serves as a transition to amazing horn (trumpet ??) work that gives way to a bouncy tune with castanets and choir.
7) Skyward Sword Staff Roll - Rounds off Disc One. Includes the now classic over world theme with great horn work mixed with other themes (Ballad of the Goddess) and choir. The only thing I can compare it to is how the John Williams takes themes from the Star Wars movie and weaves it into an awesome credits roll.
Disc Two
1) 30th Anniversary Symphony Theme - One hell of a way to open the second disc. Strong horn work transitions into the Darkworld Theme from A link to the Past (Perhaps my favourite theme after the classic over world theme) The horn work at 4:30 onward reminds me very strongly of the horn work from the Good, the Bad and the Ugly. This is a very good thing.
2) Minor Themes Melody - The original dungeon music plus others I can identify. Brilliant horn work. I wish it was longer than 4:20 minutes.
3) Gerudo Valley - I think it is the same arrangement from the 25th anniversary album.
4) Hyrule Theme (Ocarina of Time) - I really liked it. Makes me wish the Ocarina of Time Melody was better.
5) Great Fairy Theme - I think it is the same arrangement from the 25th anniversary album.
6) Twilight Princess Melody - I think it is the same arrangement from the 25th anniversary album, but, I feel that it is the worst track on the album. Not that I don't like it, just that it feels like the chorus is being overshadowed by parts of the orchestra and that everything is too loud in places which makes it sound garbled.
7) The Legend of Zelda Main Theme - We all know it and there is good use of horns and choir.
Overall I loved the album. Especially the new arrangements. I would have like something from Majora's Mask as the little I have heard sounded very interesting. I am also disappointed that there was no melody for either A Link to the Past, or Zelda II: The Adventures of Link. I'm also very disappointed that there was nothing from Breath of the Wild. I think it would have been a nice surprise to have a suite from the forthcoming game.
As a side note I got the track titles from the VGMDB forums.