Metal Slug ~Complete Sound BOX~
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Datschge Jul 4, 2006
I was already wondering why you refer to Namiki's website, heh.
Included will be the complete compositions from all 7 Metal Slug titles (even Metal Slug, Metal Slug X, Metal Slug 4 and the latest Metal Slug 6, all which never received original soundtrack releases), and previously unpublished music from the series that never made it into the game.
It has promise. ^^

TerraEpon Jul 4, 2006
As much as I love the games, I never found the music to be all that....but it's still nice to see such releases.

Darkcomet72 Jul 4, 2006
Bout time we see something for 1 and 4. Those two games have actually been my favorites in terms of music.
Wonderful news. So glad to see it also has 6, which is quickly becoming my fave, though I reserve judgement until I actually hear all the music.

XLord007 Jul 4, 2006
Can we assume that this does not include the OST to the new 3D Metal Slug game?

Megavolt Jul 4, 2006
Metal Slug X? But the soundtrack to that one is pretty much unchanged from Metal Slug 2, is it not?
This is a nice idea, but $117 is too steep for me to be sure... I only really care for the music from Metal Slug 2. It's all about Livin on the Deck.

Carl Jul 5, 2006
It will be mine.

XLord007 Jul 5, 2006
It will be mine.
As if there was ever any doubt. ;-)

XISMZERO Jul 6, 2006
Metal Slug 2 had some decent tracks. MS4 had an overall good package but I want to see if MS5's superb heavy rock soundtrack can be toppled by 6.