Recapturing the drama.
Reader review by Sophist (2010-05-12)
The music deployed in Metal Gear Solid 3 isn't a grandiose symphony of dramatic proportions but a tool used by the game specifically to propel the the action forward. The tracks move in great sweeps and even when not playing the game, you can sense the chaos in tracks like "On The Ground ~ Battle In The Jungle" and "Takin' on the Shagohod". Offsetting the action, the cutscenes of dialogue and character interaction are accompanied by baritone, softer tracks such as "The Sorrow" and "Eva's Reminiscence". These were used in the game well enough to move those scenes along, but without that context lose some of their power.
The compositions are a great mixture of guitars and fast paced beats contrasted by undertones and slow movements. The soundtrack is built upon speed. Whether heart-pounding enough to get you on a higher plane of action or slow to the point of heartbreak during the most dramatic scenes in the game, the music alone is enough to bring back memories from the game. Light use of piano returns for the dramatic scenes and the classic electronic feel of the previous two Metal Gear Solid games comes marching back for the action. To some extent it's enough to make me want to dust off my old copy of the game and play it again. When looking for a grand soundtrack to add to your collection, this is a good choice, though those who haven't experienced the game's story and action might find it a bit hollow.