Ryu May 10, 2008
What is the name of the music that plays when you die in the Metal Gear Solid games? I've checked track lists and can't figure out what it is, or if it is even on them.
What is the name of the music that plays when you die in the Metal Gear Solid games? I've checked track lists and can't figure out what it is, or if it is even on them.
Do you mean this track?
http://briefcase.yahoo.com/bc/angie_liu … ic&.view=l
There's never been a specific name associated to the game over ditties, as they were never officially featured on any of the CD soundtracks. But it's a variation of one of the leitmotifs of the "Metal Gear Solid Main Theme."
Thanks, that's it! I wish it was released without any voiceover work.
I wish it was released without any voiceover work.
But that's half the fun, really. The best one is in the first MGS, if you trip the detonation wire on Baker while fighting Ocelot.
Dun-dun DuDUNDUN...DUN, DUN, DUN! Ocelot: YOU IDIOT!
Ryu wrote:I wish it was released without any voiceover work.
But that's half the fun, really. The best one is in the first MGS, if you trip the detonation wire on Baker while fighting Ocelot.
Dun-dun DuDUNDUN...DUN, DUN, DUN! Ocelot: YOU IDIOT!
My favorite was when you died during the torture scene:
Solid Snake: "Ocelot, you idiot!" or something to that effect
Ocelot: "Sorry boss!"
My favorite was when you died during the torture scene:
Solid Snake: "Ocelot, you idiot!" or something to that effect
Ocelot: "Sorry boss!"
You mean Liquid Snake, of course. ;)