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XLord007 May 11, 2014

Having read nothing about this one before buying it, I assumed it was just another of Squenix's cheap cash-in compilation discs, but it turns out its an arrange album. What's more, there are a couple very lovely arrange tracks for Super Mario RPG and Live A Live. Most unexpected, but most welcome.

Amazingu May 11, 2014

Yeah, it's pretty much a "sequel" to Drammatica, isn't it?
It kinda came out of nowhere for me too.

I've listened to it once, and, to be honest, I don't like it as much as Drammatica, but you know, it's still Shimomura.

Kirin Lemon May 13, 2014

I'm in love with this CD, solely for the Mario RPG arrangements.

jb May 13, 2014

Beware the Forest Mushrooms was an underwhelming arrangement and I feel lost most of the charm of the original. It's a great album, otherwise.

TerraEpon May 13, 2014

A shame it has those two karaoke tracks at the end though sad

Angela May 13, 2014 (edited May 14, 2014)

TerraEpon wrote:

A shame it has those two karaoke tracks at the end though sad

They don't take away from the rest of the album, though. If anything, MEGALOMANIA has enough melodic backing in place of its vocals absence to deem it a competent instrumental version.

Ashley Winchester May 13, 2014

I get why Parasite Eve's main theme is on there but... man, I really loathe that theme anymore. There are so many renditions of it on the soundtrack alone...

Adam Corn Aug 21, 2014 (edited Aug 21, 2014)

I'm just now listening to this and wow.  Having not been especially impressed with Drammatica I wasn't expected much, but I think this one is much better.  Hard to place my finger on it after just one listen but the arrangements just seem to have much more character this time around.

jb wrote:

Beware the Forest Mushrooms was an underwhelming arrangement and I feel lost most of the charm of the original. It's a great album, otherwise.

Funny, Beware the Forest Mushrooms was one of the tracks - maybe THE track - that made the strongest initial impression for me.  I found no shortage of charm and thought the arrangement over its three-and-a-half minute duration developed almost perfectly.  I've never heard the original to compare by though.

I do think the handful of pop vocals are sorely out of place and wish they would have at least tagged them on the very end of the album, but even counting those out there's still an extremely solid 45 minutes of music left.

Ramza Aug 22, 2014

Vector of the Heavens is the single best KH track I've heard arranged to date.

The Legend of Mana suite was very ... "smart."

And, call me crazy, but I liked the HIDEAWAYS vocals for Livealive. Not just Megalomania ... I REALLY dig the Kiss of Jealousy (caveman battle) music as well.

The inclusion of Super Mario RPG and Parasite Eve music was a bonus for me. As others have said, it may not have come out the way we wanted it to, but at least it got some freakin' representation this time around. smile

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