McCall Sep 1, 2006 (edited Sep 10, 2012)
Speaking of wanting new Ys... anyone know if Oath in Felghana will be getting a NA console edition anytime soon?
Wow! Deafening response to the news! I thought more people would be excited to see a 20 year old franchise getting so much attention.
*eagerly awaiting more information*
I wonder if this is the Ys online game that's been rumored. Would explain why Adol isn't there.
I'm cautiously optimistic, because this looks like it could be something completely different. Game certainly looks nice from the screenshots.
*eagerly awaiting more information*
I wonder if this is the Ys online game that's been rumored. Would explain why Adol isn't there.
It's not Ys Online; Falcom already released screenshots here:
This new Ys game is probably being developed by Falcom as it appears to use the Ys VI/Felghana engine. I'm excited by the news, although it looks more like a Ys spinoff than anything (is Darm Tower in that screenshot?).
Maybe it's an Ys Gaiden type of game.
Bah, I want to see Oath of Felghana on consoles in the US! Konami did a helluva job luring us Ys neophytes with such a superb game and not following up with any of the other games!
Beep beep, trailer & info time:
Some info posted to GAF
Trailer (odd music)
How much do the Ys PC games usually retail for, anyways?
The characters' names are Yunika Toba and Yuugo Fakuto (Fact/Fakt), which connects both of them to characters in the Ys series we already know. The setting is, in fact, in Ys itself, 700 years ago (or before the other Ys games, maybe?). Two heroes, with two stories (presumably two separate quests - I'm curious if Yunika is good and Yuugo is bad or something..................... not that this would be indicated by extremely generic anime design features indicating such or anything).
...after that, my kanji sort of starts failing me, so I don't really want to make a total idiot of myself and start guessing what it says.
I'm sold. Game looks great, music sounds great and I'll be curious to see how this ties into the main series.
Let's just hope we get a soundtrack sooner than later.
Beep beep, trailer & info time:
Some info posted to GAF
Trailer (odd music)How much do the Ys PC games usually retail for, anyways?
Looks and sounds sweet. Too bad there's probably no chance we'll see it in English on a console.
Qui-Gon Joe wrote:not that this would be indicated by extremely generic anime design features indicating such or anything).
Funny that you say that, because lately Falcom's art style turns me off and comes off very generic and amateurish (see Ys VI, or to a lesser extent Oath in Felghana.) Then I see stuff like this and Xanadu Next and am really intrigued.
I don't know how it will tie into the story, but I am sure we will see. I would assume Yunika Toba and Yugo Fact are either ancestors of the famous priests, or the priests themselves, that originally propelled Ys into the sky. I'm very shaky on my Ys history, but wasn't the original priest Fact a good guy? Isn't Dark Fact a descendent? Whatever the case, I love the designs. Yugo looks like a young Dark Fact, and the Toba girl is cute. Look at those mitts!
The original priests Ys were good guys. Dark Fact was a descendent of Priest Fact who decided to go down the path of evil. Yugo Fact does remind me of Dark Fact.
Yunika Toba is not likely to be one of the priests. According to Ys Complete, the name of the priest was Fenys Toba. You see the name as you fight Jenocres (Redemption of Power), the first boss. Can't confirm Fact's name because I'd have to play through again.
The secrets site says that Yunika Tovah is the ancestor of priest Tovah, and is a shrine knight. Yuugo Fact is the son of Kain Fact, who is priest Fact.
The premise of the story is that Feena and Reah disappeared after the priests raised the Palace of Solomon into the sky, and Yunika and Yuugo are chosen to search for them.
could be wrong , but im going with prequel tp YS book 1 for now. If so Adol prolly wasnt born yet , which would explain his absence. Well see............
could be wrong , but im going with prequel tp YS book 1 for now. If so Adol prolly wasnt born yet , which would explain his absence. Well see............
Of course. Ys Origin takes place 700 years before Ys book 1.