XLord007 Sep 11, 2006 (edited Sep 11, 2006)
Nintendo is days away from announcing the long awaited details for the Wii's release date and pricing info for all three major territories. Draw a line in the sand, put your rep on the line and make a statement.
The facts:
-4th quarter 2006 release for all major territories
-Price not to exceed $250 in the U.S. or ¥25,000 in Japan
-Broadway chips finished and shipping to Nintendo from IBM
-NOA hiring warehouse staff to handle Wii logistics
-Nintendo claims the ability to distribute a minimum of 4 million units worldwide by the end of calendar 2006
-Nintendo (NOA) helping select gamers hold Wii parties in their homes to show off the system to family and friends
The rumors:
-Vibe magazine quotes a $150 U.S. price
-MCVUK quotes a £149 price and an 11/24/06 UK launch with no supply shortgages
-Japanese analysts predict a ¥19,800 price
So, what do you all think? I'm not afraid to be proven wrong in a few days, so here goes: I'm going with an early November U.S. release at $200. I'm not sure if Nintendo will hit Japan or the U.S. first, but I would lean towards Japan since it will want to build off the DS Lite's unstoppable momentum in the Nihon and beat PS3 to market. I'm sure Nintendo picked its Japanese launch date a while ago, but if I was Iwata, I would change whatever date they picked to November 11 just to shit in Sony's cereal. Can you imagine? There will only be 100,000 PS3s for the Japanese launch (10% of what the Japanese PS2 launched with) and Sony's shortages are Nintendo's opportunity. I doubt it would happen, but man would it be hilarious.