Zane Sep 28, 2006
The pseudo-hijack in the Okami thread got me thinking about Zelda a ton, and after voicing some negative thoughts on Wind Waker I figured I'd share some positive ones about my favorite Zelda game of all: A Link to the Past.
I played the NES Zeldas, but LTTP was the first game that really solidified the Zelda formula. It had great sub-weapons, awesome overworld(s), amazing dungeons that were just challenging enough to scratch your head over but not toss controllers across the room, classic bosses, great graphics and soundtrack... for me, LTTP had it all. Still does, actually. The dual world system worked perfectly, and I'm still really impressed with some of the puzzles that are based around warping between the two worlds and getting that elusive Heart Container or that secret Turtle Rock entrance (side note - I was pleased when Metroid Prime 2 included dual-worlds... it brought back some good memories).
I've played through the GB/GBC Zeldas, which were quite good, and I've beaten OOT and the OOT Master Quest; not Majora's Mask. And, of course, Wind Waker. I've seen the 3D Zeldas as LTTP derivatives with a new viewpoint. Although, I will say that OOT was pretty bomb, it just didn't hit me the way LTTP did. Link to the Past is still my favorite Zelda game after all these years. I've beaten it at least fifteen times and I still get the occasional craving to fly through it again and relive my SNES days, as well as enjoy one amazing, amazing game.
What about you guys? What are your favorite Zelda games, and why?