GHII 10 Song Demo Report:
Well, yesterday at Best Buy I tried out the new demo extensively. Great fun since it came with a guitar so you can play co-op or face off now. For those who don't know the songs on it are:
You Really Got Me
Pscyhobilly Freakout
Shout At The Devil
War Pigs
Who Was in My Room Last Night
John the Fisherman
Trippin' On a Hole in a Paper Heart
I didn't play all of them that evening, but combined with the night before yesterday I did play every song. PF is as others have greatly emphasized, CRAZY. The farthest I got was the BatH type solo, then failed two seconds in. I wasn't consistent with it either, sometimes I would fail at 10%, but I would say every other time I atleast got to 22%. It might just be me but it is going to be hard to get used to its bass line, very weird rhythm. War pigs is great either way. I think I played the bass more since I absolutely love the bass in almost every Sabbath song and because most wanted to play lead. Bass isn't really easy, but it isn't hard, nothing like YYZ. The lead guitar in War Pigs is great and the length of the solo can catch you off guard, since it is like a shorter Freebird(I failed the first time -_-).
YYZ's bass is brutal, because the main riff repeats so many times and the solos are scale-filled. The lead guitar while still hard because of the main riff, is easeir to me becasue I'd rather have a You Really Got Me solo and fast rhythm then the bass's constant melody and solos. Who Was In My Room's main riff killed my wrsits, even though the main riff isn't hard and songs like Psycho and YYZ didn't do anything to my hands. YRGM is a good song, like a watered down BatM, and the solo is great to fiddle with on Practice. Strutter is nice since it is so fun to try out the new HOs/POs on its trills. Also, Madhouse's main riff is kind of meh but the solo is FREAKING AMAZING, I wsh it wasn't so short.
Practice mode is great, since you can use it to play bass if you're the only one playing. You can also for example, if you want to play all the first parts of the first solo on YRGM, you just select the beginning, and drag it down to the last one, so you don't have to play just one section. I don't remember muhc of the STP song, since I never payed the lead and only played it two days ago. One last thing, John the Fisherman is a disappointment if you're looking for solos, as it only has about 2 second solos for guitar and bass. Excuse my spelling errors, since there are bound to be some in a post of this size.
Some Good GHII Vids:
Strutter 100%:
Shout At the Devil 100%:
Psychobilly Freakout Computer Hack 100%: