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Angela Oct 20, 2006

IGN just broke news that Konami will be releasing "Konami Classic Series: Arcade Hits" for the DS in 2007.  They report that at least a dozen games will make up the compilation, with Circus Charlie, Contra, Gradius, Roc'N Rope, Rush'N Attack, Time Pilot, Track & Field, and Yie-Ar Kung Fu having already been confirmed.  In addition, the compilation will "not only feature the original arcade games, but also unique DS remixed modes," along with multiplayer wireless capabilities.

I'm picking this up for Contra alone, although I'm somehow hoping that they'll include the arguably better NES version as well.

XLord007 Oct 20, 2006

Angela wrote:

I'm picking this up for Contra alone, although I'm somehow hoping that they'll include the arguably better NES version as well.

Contra is the only one of those I'm really concerned about, so I'll probably skip this.  Contra arcade is also coming to XBLA, so if I ever get a 360, I can always download it there.

One thing I still don't understand is why Konami has been so hesitant to release compilations of its best games.  I couldn't care less about its old arcade games or Frogger.  I want compilations for Contra, Castlevania, and TMNT (though I realize the TMNT thing won't happen unless Konami gets the rights for a third time).

GoldfishX Oct 20, 2006 (edited Oct 20, 2006)

I kind of agree...Compared to the shooter packs for PSP, DS is kind of getting the shaft here. Besides, I have most of those on the Konami Arcade Classics (though Contra wasn't on that). If Pooyan and Shaolin's Road end up it, I might spring for it just for the portability factor.

Never did get the appeal of Roc'N'Rope...Then again, I seem to be the only one who likes Circus Charlie. Ancient jumping mechanics FTW.

avatar! Oct 20, 2006

I agree with the others.  Why is Nintendo getting dissed by Konami while the PSP is getting all the spoils??  Except for a few Castlevania games and Lost in Blue, I think Konami has really not done anything for Nintendo in a long time...



Ryu Oct 21, 2006

I'm suspecting that Konami, what with having a Wii launch title, is also going to support the Wii Virtual Console.  If that is the case then I'd rather have the Castlevanias, TMNTs, and Contras on it.  And hopefully Nintendo isn't ridiculously slow with giving out the Konami-love (even though Konami is ridiculously slow to give any love out here in the US), unlike Microsoft, and I can just get the Contras on the Wii long before Microsoft gets around to it.  I'm not entirely sure why Microsoft treats Xbox Live Arcade like an afterthought.

Dais Oct 21, 2006

Angela wrote:

unique DS remixed modes


POPOBOT5000 Oct 21, 2006

Angela wrote:

feature[s] the original arcade games

That's all that matters.

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