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Drakken May 16, 2007 … 8&Itemid=2

Next-Gen wrote:

Konami and Sony BMG Music Entertainment have inked a deal that will bring Konami’s library of music to major online music retailers such as iTunes and Rhapsody.

It will be the first time that original songs from Konami games will be available through digital distribution.

Music will be featured from game franchises including Contra, Castlevania, Silent Hill, Dance Dance Revolution, Elebits and Gradius.

The library of songs goes back 25 years.

Konami said in a statement that the music would also be available to through major mobile carriers and Konami’s official website.

In 2005, Electronic Arts signed a similar deal with Nettwerk Music Group that brought music from recognizable EA franchises to major online music retailers.

Always nice to see this kind of stuff happen. I use Rhapsody, and it's nice to see a lot of the EA soundtracks on there (including all the Sims ones that most people don't have). Hopefully more companies will begin doing this.

brandonk May 22, 2007 (edited May 22, 2007)

This is awesome...maybe they can put 'everything' that's ever been released on iTunes.  Konami has alot of music (duhhh) ;-), and alot of people will get more exposure to it all.  Maybe Falcom will do the same thing..Electronic Arts...ewwwe

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