GoldfishX Nov 21, 2006
http://www.gmronline.com/info.asp?CatNu … CA-1425~27
http://www.gmronline.com/info.asp?CatNu … CA-1428~30
Masato Kouda's returning and appears to be the lead composer this time around. He had plenty of good tracks from 4th Detonator.
2 3500 Yen sets and 6 CD's worth of material. Okay, not "bad", but...Pricy as all hell and both Code F and 4th Detonator had issues filling even 4 CD's. Might be overkill...
No Naruke, it seems and the other composers from 4th Detonator are MIA. And I haven't even heard of the other guy on the project...His other works appear to be mostly H-Games, from a quick GMR scan.
Crazy...And there's still a Wild Arms PSP game in the works (plus a rumor of a WA2 remake), so maybe the rest of the cast will turn up there.
And on a completely random and unrelated note:
http://www.gmronline.com/info.asp?CatNu … CH-1413~14
More Dynasty Warriors fun.