Jay Feb 16, 2007
Just curious. MGS1 and 2 had excellent art books released but I've never heard anything about a MGS3 one. Surely there must be one? I can't find one on a search except that some places have listed game guides as an art book.
Just curious. MGS1 and 2 had excellent art books released but I've never heard anything about a MGS3 one. Surely there must be one? I can't find one on a search except that some places have listed game guides as an art book.
I can't claim to know how good it is, but the 535-page MGS3: The Complete Official Guide is apparently about as close as a decent art book you'll get. I've been told it's got a good number of pieces featured throughout, from final designs to even some conceptual artwork.
One actually came with the L.E. guide package from Brady. Quite sexy.
One actually came with the L.E. guide package from Brady. Quite sexy.
It's a nice book, but it's a shame that only fourteen of the ninety-five pages are actually devoted to MGS3. It boasts a surprisingly expansive focus on MGS1, though.