Cedille wrote:Don't mind. He is indeed the biggest Sakimoto fan, since everytime I read his post, he talks about Sakimoto.
I remember reading his "Sakimoto generally sucks except for BoF 5 and some of blah blah blah" statement dozens of times in every VGM forum, and we'll end up reading hundreds of it *shudder*
Damn, I posted that dozens of times? Go me. And I thought consistancy between opinions when discussions about a composer arised counted for something *shrug* I didn't even put that here and I probably haven't done it in awhile, since I never listen to BoF 5 anymore, but whatever works. It's all good. The comedic effect of the irony of Sakimoto coming to an event I attend on a yearly basis and coming all the way from Japan to a location that is less than an hour away from one of his sworn enemies has clearly been misinterpretted.
Incidentally, who the hell are you? 'Cedille' isn't even registered at any of the boards I frequent.
My love of Sakimoto aside, as far as promotion goes, the amount of viable composers for US stuff like this would be really limited. Sakimoto makes the most sense, considering FFXII and maybe Odin Sphere. Uematsu has name brand recognition as does Mitsuda, but neither have put much out recently that's of any relevence to games in the US. Kondo has some value as a legend. The rest would probably be US VGM composers or someone like Kanno or Otani, who aren't primarily game composers. So considering the weak position of VGM in the US right now, this is a good overall choice. I guess.
Edit: "I wish we have the $$$$$$$ to go to the states..." - Seraph (from the post you linked me to)
Sorry, I don't follow Eminence enough to care about them. So they're primarily the small list of guys listed for Otakon and not the orchestra I've heard about? I don't really understand their set-up.