Ashley Winchester Jul 5, 2007
Ok, I'm in this argument with someone over the WA2 soundtrack at the moment and I wanted some other opinions on this.
I personally do not like the three large orchestral tracks on the second CD. I won't go into too much but I just think they feel and sound "overdone." Anyway, as anyone who has ever had access to the WA2 soundtrack knows the tracks don't loop before they fade. I find this quite annoying when I'm listening to a great tune like "Live Reflector." Yes, I know there is a thing called the "repeat" button on every player or stereo in existence but its annoying when the track has to restart every minute.
So, the argument is would you rather have the three orchestral tracks or every other track from the game looped twice (granted with the latter it might not fit on two CDs but ignoring that for the sake of argument)? (Note: I should use the PSF rip to see how many CDs would be needed if the in-game music looped, probably 3 regardless).
I myself rather have the music from the game loop because I bought the soundtrack for the music that is in the game itself, I didn't buy the OST for misc. extras. I guess what I'm saying is I'm ok with such "extras" as long as they don't infringe on the original music.
What are you thoughts?