Rockman 7 and 8 soundtracks coming

GoldfishX Oct 3, 2007 (edited Oct 3, 2007)
Just as I got done posting about Rockman a little bit ago. Not THAT's timing!
8's soundtrack is nice and all, but I've waited forever for 7 to get a proper release. Now I can retire my trusty SPC rip for good...Unless it turns out to be that "upgraded" bullshit they tried with Star Ocean 1 or something.
Maybe they'll throw some arranges in. *crosses fingers*

Eirikr Oct 3, 2007
I don't normally use smileys, but that one is literally what I did when I read this.

CHz Oct 3, 2007
It's only been forever. Hell, the MM1-6 box came out five years ago.
I've never actually heard MM8's soundtrack in full, to be honest. I played through most of the game at a friend's house many years ago, and the only thing I remember from the game is Grenade Man's "that felt good."
MM7 has a decent soundtrack, but it wouldn't make my top 5 list, as amazingly delicious as the intro highway stage's theme is. What I really want an OST for is the other SNES game, Rockman & Forte. Might be a bit of a longshot, but with these two new albums, a guy can get his hopes up.

Idolores Oct 3, 2007
Are you f---ing kidding me? Rockman 8 was . . . . what, nearly 10 years ago. Why is it just now getting a damn OST release?

Vaeran Oct 3, 2007
Actually, I'm wondering now if I didn't jump the gun by posting this here right after seeing that "child of eve" had added the pages on GMR. I just tried to get some independent verification on this, but those catalogue numbers on various search engines turn up nothing, and there's nothing on Team Entertainment's website either.
Hmm... :/

Ramza Oct 3, 2007
I don't think CoE would make that up.

Zane Oct 3, 2007 (edited Oct 3, 2007)
I am slightly skeptical. Aren't all of Rockman's "regular" soundtracks on Suleputer or INTI? These are being published by Team Entertainment. Also, I'm really surprised that each soundtrack has a subtitle like that; especially one in Japanese and one in English. Rockman soundtracks that have been released have been pretty static; RM1-6 and RMX1-6 had the same "Capcom Music Generation" naming convention, RMZ1-4 Remastered had the same format save the last word, and now there are ZX and ZXA Tunes...
Also, Google searches turn up nothing, not even on Team's page, but if you search for "KDSD-00170", you get results for Guilty Gear 2's OST:
http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=%2 … tnG=Search
http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=%2 … tnG=Search
http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=%2 … tnG=Search
GMR is to truth as condoms are to not getting pregnant (about, what, 92-94% effective?), but I hope these CDs are real. I'm still worried about getting knocked up. Or something.
Edit: Oops, Vaeran already posted about the Team page and search engine results. My bad.

XISMZERO Oct 3, 2007
Not only is this unbelievable, but oddly timed. What's the reason for this?

allyourbaseare Oct 3, 2007
Who cares what the reason is, at last we'll finally get Megaman 8's OST like it was meant to be heard (hopefully). It had one of the best ending themes evah!

Zane Oct 3, 2007
Paladin just told me that Tower has preorders up:
http://www.towerrecords.co.jp/sitemap/C … ORT_CD=101
http://www.towerrecords.co.jp/sitemap/C … ORT_CD=101
So... not so fake after all.

the_miker Oct 3, 2007 (edited Oct 3, 2007)
Paladin just told me that Tower has preorders up:
http://www.towerrecords.co.jp/sitemap/C … ORT_CD=101
http://www.towerrecords.co.jp/sitemap/C … ORT_CD=101So... not so fake after all.
And thanks to PV, looks like we now know about another Rockman release coming up..
Perfect Selection Rockman Battle, anyone?
*is very excited*

Zane Oct 3, 2007
Oh, f---.

Ashley Winchester Oct 3, 2007 (edited Oct 3, 2007)
Wow, I guess I need to catch up and get the Rockman 1~6 Box first, huh?
I'm pretty pleased with having all the music for the X series... perhaps I should start on the original series.
What about Mega Man 9... er... whoops... I mean Mega Man & Bass? I'd love to have "Cold Man Stage" and "King's Castle" on a official disc.
Only bad thing: doesn't MM7 have a huge line-up of composers? It's going to be X7 all over again... I doubt they'll tell us who wrote what.
Also, I'm curious to what Mega Man 8 is going to sound like... the Saturn and PSX game rips sound a little different in some respects.

GoldfishX Oct 3, 2007
Perfect Selection Rockman Battle, anyone?
*is very excited*
FINALLY! Someone finally came to their senses. Feels like someone at Capcom read my comment about how the series has gone to shit and decided to do at least something to change my mind. Now as long as this isn't Gradius Tribute part 2 or those old MM arranged CD singles re-released or just the Powered Up mixes (*cringe*) or something to totally spoil the moment. Guess Capcom noticed all those new Rockman doujins from this year...I look forward to directly comparing this to Megalomania and Rock Buster 1 and 2.
Ashley: Yeah, fairly massive MM7 line-up. Maybe we'll actually find out who did what in the liners (though I suspect Yuki Iwai did the majority...let's see if I'm right).

XLord007 Oct 3, 2007
About damn time. I'll certainly be buying all three of these. I'd also like to use this opprotunity to say that I'd still love a box set with the OSTs to all of the portable MM and MMX games that never had OSTs.

Vaeran Oct 3, 2007
I'm so relieved to find out I'm not a liar! :D
And holy shit, that's the most amazing news since Lucas was confirmed for Brawl. I'll be in my bunk.

Amazingu Oct 4, 2007
Holy shit, I just died and went to heaven!
Don't care about MM8 very much, but 7 was awesome!
*dies again*
Where's SonicPanda at a time like this!?

Warpstar Oct 4, 2007
Huh. I was just listening to MM7 a few days ago and wondering (for the umpteenth time) why 7 & 8 never got album releases like the others. Great news.

Idolores Oct 4, 2007
Also, I'm curious to what Mega Man 8 is going to sound like... the Saturn and PSX game rips sound a little different in some respects.
If I remember correctly, the Saturn version had completely different (and, according to some sources, totally superior) music tracks in some areas. I wonder which release they are going to cover?

TerraEpon Oct 4, 2007
I would be nice if it were everything.
But of course, the likely hood is the PSX one -- which version did the MM Collection games use?

absuplendous Oct 4, 2007
They threw in the X4 cutscene music, X5 cut tracks, and the American intros/outtros in the X1-6 box set, so I don't see why they wouldn't include the Saturn tracks. Here's hoping, anyway.

Ashley Winchester Oct 4, 2007 (edited Oct 4, 2007)
I would be nice if it were everything.
But of course, the likely hood is the PSX one -- which version did the MM Collection games use?-Joshua
I believe MM8 in MM Anniversary didn't include the Saturn extras like the Wood and Cutman battes and was the PSX version. Tengu Man has a different theme on the Saturn version as well.

XISMZERO Oct 4, 2007
Zane wrote:Paladin just told me that Tower has preorders up:
http://www.towerrecords.co.jp/sitemap/C … ORT_CD=101
http://www.towerrecords.co.jp/sitemap/C … ORT_CD=101So... not so fake after all.
And thanks to PV, looks like we now know about another Rockman release coming up..
Perfect Selection Rockman Battle, anyone?
*is very excited*
Oh MY Goodness! *shrivels*

Ashley Winchester Oct 28, 2007
Anyone check out the cover art out at tower? MM7 emulates X7's cover and MM8 emulates X8's cover. Kinda cool.

the_miker Oct 28, 2007
Anyone check out the cover art out at tower? MM7 emulates X7's cover and MM8 emulates X8's cover. Kinda cool.
That's awesome.
Also, if you check out CDJ's info on both albums it says the CDs will include the soundtrack plus "internet tribute remixes" so that could be interesting. Is Capcom having some contest in Japan or something for fans to get their remixes on these CDs? Or are they just picking them off random sites?

Ashley Winchester Oct 28, 2007
Ashley Winchester wrote:Anyone check out the cover art out at tower? MM7 emulates X7's cover and MM8 emulates X8's cover. Kinda cool.
Also, if you check out CDJ's info on both albums it says the CDs will include the soundtrack plus "internet tribute remixes" so that could be interesting. Is Capcom having some contest in Japan or something for fans to get their remixes on these CDs? Or are they just picking them off random sites?
Hope it's the latter, I can think of some remixes from VGRemix and OCremix that I'd love to have/see on an official CD.

Ashley Winchester Nov 15, 2007
Make shift tracklisting for MM7:
01. Title
02. Opening Demo 1
03. Opening Demo 2
04. Opening Stage
05. Stage Select
06. Freeze Man
07. Cloud Man
08. Junk Man
09. Burst Man
10. Museum
11. Spring Man
12. Slash Man
13. Turbo Man
14. Shade Man
15. Wily Stage Map
16. Wily Stage 1
17. Wily Stage 2
18. Wily Stage 3
19. Wily Stage 4
20. Boss appearance - i.e stage choosen
21. 8 large bosses - i.e boss
22. Wily Stage Boss
23. Wily Last Form (complete with energy charging action!)
24. Theme of Bass (complete with beaming in action!)
25. Message (being pleasant) - Dr. Lights lab (complete with beaming in and text action!)
26. Message (it is sad) - Dr. Lights lab after Bass attack (complete with beaming in and text action!)
27. Continuing & password
28. Weapon procurement
29. Stage Clear
30. All Stage Clear
31. Ending & staff roll
32. Big eddy
33. Helmet
34. Whistle of Proto Man
35. Alarm
36. Shade Man appearance (reverse side)
37. Shade Man (reverse side)
I'm not happy about #23-26, not at all.

Ashley Winchester Nov 15, 2007 (edited Nov 15, 2007)
Mega Man 8:
01. Title Picture
02. Stage Select
03. Laboratory
04. Boss introduction after the stage selecting
05. Opening Stage (Ground)
06. Opening Stage (Underground)
07. (Frost Man) Ice stage
08. (Clown Man) Recreational Area Stage
09. (Tengu Man) Empty Stage (PSX)
10. (Grenade Man) Base Stage
11. Intermediate Stage デューオ game
12. (Sword Man) Ruins Stage
13. (Aqua Man) Underwater Stage
14. (Astro Man) Strange Dimensional Stage
15. (Search Man) Forest Stage
16. Medium boss game (Mid Boss)
17. Large boss game (Boss)
18. Large boss appearance (kind of stupid this appears after the boss theme)
19: Stage Clear
20. Weapon acquisition
21. Wily Stage Map
22. Wily Stage 1
23. Wily Stage 2
24. Wily Stage 3
25. Wily Stage 4
26. フォルテ (Bass) game
27. Wily (appearence)
28. Wily Second Form
29. Wily Third Formal Appearance
30. Wily Third Form
31. Staff Roll
(FMV) no VA or SE
32. To Earth
33. Mega Man vs. Bass
34. When awaking
35. The memory which revives
36. Wily castle discovery
37. VS gorilla
38. World conquest declaration of wily
39. It is dangerous, it does, the lock man
40. Duo appearance
41. Recollection
42. Still Life
43. Protoman
OK, I am angry again - NO SATURN TENGU, CUT OR WOOD!

allyourbaseare Nov 15, 2007
Mega Man 8:
31. Staff Roll
This still justifies its existence.

Ashley Winchester Nov 15, 2007
Mega Man 7:
04. Opening Stage
This justifies this soundtrack's existence.

Ugly Bob Nov 15, 2007
No Electric Communication?! That's the best JPOP song ever!

Warpstar Nov 16, 2007
Typically, the Rockman vocal themes don't get released on the soundtrack albums, only on separate singles. Electrical Communication/Brand New Way were released on a single back when the game originally came out.

Vaeran Nov 16, 2007
I really wish they'd make an effort to put out a comprehensive Rockman vocal collection, even if they had to break it up into several volumes. There've been some really good songs along the way (Electrical Communication definitely included)... I just hate buying singles.

absuplendous Nov 16, 2007 (edited Nov 16, 2007)
I really wish they'd make an effort to put out a comprehensive Rockman vocal collection, even if they had to break it up into several volumes. There've been some really good songs along the way (Electrical Communication definitely included)... I just hate buying singles.
Forget I said anything; it wasn't perfect so it wasn't helpful at all