GoldfishX Oct 23, 2007
Name says it all. What soundtracks from the Sega Genesis do I and everyone else currently need to make our lives complete? What tracks from each soundtrack come most recommended? Feel free to put down duplicates on other systems (ex: Ys III, Cool Spot).
Seeing as how I hope people recommend obscure stuff I've never heard of, I'll state the obvious:
Sonic 1-3 - Yadda, yadda, yadda...Need I say more? Other than Sonic 2's music is probably one of my favorite soundtracks of all-time (Special Stage, Metropolis Stage and Chemical Plant stand out the most, but it's all good) and those Sonic 3 boss themes just plain rock.
Phantasy Star 2-4 - Hard to believe by the first dungeon, you've heard roughly half the music from PSII. I can live off the main overworld and battle theme from II and Behind the Circuit/Cybernetic Carnival from IV. Love both of those scores, while 3 isn't bad in its' own right.
Thunder Force II-IV - Had an idea of how good some of the originals were from the "Broken Thunder" album. Back to the Fire from III got about an hour worth of playtime today, between work, the ride to work and sitting at the computer. Could've gone more, but I had to give the other stuff I had with me a chance. The bassline in Death's Face (II) is also permanently stuck in my head and the original "Knights of Legend" (II also) and "Stand Up Against Myself" (IV) were both incredible.
Gleylancer - Hey, Iwadare can write great shmup music! Not as intense as the Thunder Force soundtracks, but rocks nonetheless.