Arcubalis Nov 10, 2007
I've been recording my gameplay audio so far, and figured I'd cut a couple clips for you guys. Unfortunately the sound effects are still intact, but I chose three from previous Mario games. Let me know what you think!
I've been recording my gameplay audio so far, and figured I'd cut a couple clips for you guys. Unfortunately the sound effects are still intact, but I chose three from previous Mario games. Let me know what you think!
The game sounds great, both in the music department as well as sound effects. Really nice that they opted to go mostly orchestral this time; I love the World 1 piece!
The SMB3 Airship theme is NICE! The World 1 piece is just beautiful. It's been my favorite since I heard it in the trailers earlier this year.
The first four are synth and are mostly interesting to hear updated arrangements of these old favorites (despite sounding suspiciously like "Mars, Bringer of War", the airship theme has especially held up well). The World 1 piece is orchestral and fantastic.
There are more samples here: http://nintenon.blogspot.com/2007/11/no … nd-et.html (the link at the bottom)
One of them is a very surprising battle theme with chorus! I really wish they release a soundtrack.
There are more samples here: http://nintenon.blogspot.com/2007/11/no … nd-et.html (the link at the bottom)
One of them is a very surprising battle theme with chorus! I really wish they release a soundtrack.
Man, the "niveau boss" track (aka "Koopa Road" from SM64) just doesn't move me like the N64 version does...
Kenology, maybe that's how it is listening to it, but it's really cool to listen to in-game. The level itself reminds me a lot of the koopa levels from M64, so it's pretty awesome.
Would anyone agree that Deep Space and World 1 sound like they could be in a Star Fox game? Maybe the first half of World 1 for a first level in a Star Fox game, and Deep Space for one of those dark, outer space levels in Star Fox?
I was just thinking about that.
Hey, just found a cool remix of the song they did in that behind the scenes orchestral recording session. Figured I'd record it for you guys.
A soundtrack has been announced, but it's only available to Club Nintendo members in Japan. There will be a 1 disc album and 2 disc set.
The Club Nintendo links are very slow, so I linked the info from Neogaf.
I hope we can get that soundtrack over here somehow.
Contacted Nintendo to get a response about availability in the US. They better!
Also, shame on Yokota for dodging the question. He could have said, "We are working on a promotional release in Japan." =/
F*CK! I had enough points for that, but I just used them to buy a DS pouch
Gotta buy some new games FAST.
I'm not really familiar with Club Nintendo... is that where those Koopa/Peach/Luigi compliations came from a while ago?
ARGH. I KNEW the platinum gift this year would be awesome since I'm not over there anymore.
Just to clarify, the one disc version seems to be all the orchestra-performed stuff from the game (28 tracks) and the second disc included in the platinum members' version has the remaining music from the game (53 tracks). The package art is really neat too. I want this so badly!
I'm not really familiar with Club Nintendo... is that where those Koopa/Peach/Luigi compliations came from a while ago?
Yep. Except that the two disc version of this requires Platinum membership in Club Nintendo for 2007, which means you had to have reached a certain number of points before the end of September.
that sucks they had to go and do something like this with the soundtrack... talk about inconvenient. Can you say "FF Finest Box"?
that sucks they had to go and do something like this with the soundtrack
Agreed. I'm sure that an official OST would do really well if they released it to the public. What a sham.
What gets me is which games of Nintendo's HAVE gotten soundtracks released for general sale vs. which haven't. Pikmin and Metroid Prime over Smash Bros. Melee or Twilight Princess? What are they thinking (nothing against either of those soundtracks... I'm thinking sales potential only)?
^ Metroid Prime was sooooo worth a commercially released OST!
Don't know, Metroid isn't nearly as popular, especially in Japan. I think what Kenji Yamamoto said in his interview may actually be true. He said they had spare time (maybe it was a slow time at Nintendo), so Yamamoto was able to oversee the creation of the Metroid album at that time. If you think about it, Nintendo was pretty slow on the GameCube, so I'd believe that to be true. They're a lot busier with the Wii and DS, so I doubt Kondo or Yamamoto really have the time to oversee albums while concurrently overseeing dozens of projects that are ongoing there. Just a thought?
Interesting theory, but given the relatively slow period during the Gamecube era, I'd question why a Mario Sunshine or Paper Mario: TTYD OST wasn't released. Or even a Fire Emblem: PoR OST. IS has always been good with releasing Fire Emblem soundtracks and last gen they just dropped the ball.
Mario Sunshine and TTYD were overseen by Kondo while Yamamoto oversaw Metroid. Perhaps Kondo was too busy with projects while Yamamoto had some free time.
My own recording session is under way, so I thought I'd share what I've done as well. Right now, I've only got Good Egg Galaxy up:
Looks like Play-asia and NCSx will be taking orders for the 2 disc OST.
http://www.play-asia.com/paOS-13-71-na- … -2f4e.html
http://mgrsti3030s.seamlesstech.biz/tem … olderID=47
Great news!
Hmm, I wonder if I should hold out for a cheaper price from Play Asia, or just order now from NCSX...
Or I could skip both entirely and wait for it to show up on Yahoo Auctions. Decisions, decisions!
Looks like Play-asia and NCSx will be taking orders for the 2 disc OST.
http://www.play-asia.com/paOS-13-71-na- … -2f4e.html
http://mgrsti3030s.seamlesstech.biz/tem … olderID=47
Thanks SO MUCH for posting that. I'm guessing both places will have limited quantities, so I got my order in already. I'm just happy to have any chance at all to easily get this set. Also of note - those Super Famicom virtual console controllers are being sold at NCSX for $30 as well.
Looks like Play-asia and NCSx will be taking orders for the 2 disc OST.
http://www.play-asia.com/paOS-13-71-na- … -2f4e.html
http://mgrsti3030s.seamlesstech.biz/tem … olderID=47
Pre-ordered from NCSX. I'm glad they realized there's a demand for these.
Nice. My order is in at NCSX. Guess that'll save me from having to do a truly serious recording session. ;)
I'm still doing a handful of recordings, mostly by request. I'll have Honeyhive Galaxy up for Zane, and Space Junk and Battlerock Galaxy up for Wanderer soon.
Nice, now even YesAsia.com are taking pre-orders for this:
http://global.yesasia.com/en/PrdDept.as … 005130127/
Pre-ordered at NCSX!!!
I'll have Honeyhive Galaxy up for Zane
Awesome. You can give me a buzz anytime.
Oh, the puns. They hurt.
Nice, now even YesAsia.com are taking pre-orders for this:
http://global.yesasia.com/en/PrdDept.as … 005130127/
Awesome, thanks for pointing this out! $29.75 shipped!
Cogo wrote:Nice, now even YesAsia.com are taking pre-orders for this:
http://global.yesasia.com/en/PrdDept.as … 005130127/Awesome, thanks for pointing this out! $29.75 shipped!
Damn, I feel like such an idiot. But I really don't feel up to figuring out how to cancel my order with NCSX to grab a copy from Yesasia instead right now.
@ Angela - I second Wanderer's request for Battlerock Galaxy. But I'd like to request the Boo mansion theme from Ghostly Galaxy.
Honeyhive Galaxy and Battlerock Galaxy are up:
http://briefcase.yahoo.com/bc/angie_liu … gs&.view=l
I'll grab Ghostly Galaxy once I get there, Kenny. :)