Qui-Gon Joe Jan 17, 2008
http://segadirect.jp/Catalog/ProductDet … CD&O=S&A=N
Has anybody heard anything about this?
http://segadirect.jp/Catalog/ProductDet … CD&O=S&A=N
Has anybody heard anything about this?
From what I can tell, it looks to be three discs of original, arranged, and unreleased music from the original NiGHTS game in commemoration of the new PS2 remake. The arranged music is being arranged by the same people responsible for Journey of Dreams. Two discs of music from NiGHTS and the last disc is Christmas NiGHTS, all produced from the original Saturn sound source. Did I get all that right?
This comes out the same day as that three disc Golden Axe set. Sega Direct really rocks lately!
There's also a Virtual On blurb on the side. Wonder what that's about? Missed out on the OST for that game when it first hit, too.
Splendid news. A DRAGON GAVE A LOUD (saxophone) SCREAM!
I heard samples for the new NiGHTS. Sounds very "plush" I say...
Please let Sonic be next!
It looks like Sega Direct will be shutting down at the end of March:
Cocoebiz has started taking orders for the "Golden Axe" and "Nights Into Dreams" albums.
It looks like Sega Direct will be shutting down at the end of March:
Deja-vu of the DigiCube & Scitron deaths all over again.
There must be some curse on VGM publishers.... (-__-)
PeteV wrote:It looks like Sega Direct will be shutting down at the end of March:
Deja-vu of the DigiCube & Scitron deaths all over again.
There must be some curse on VGM publishers.... (-__-)
...and artists. Hosoe and Furukawa (Motoaki) to name a few haven't put out anything decent in a while now.
Sega Direct really rocks lately!
It looks like Sega Direct will be shutting down at the end of March
Yet another blow to the future of VGM...
Then again, this IS Sega.
Then again, this IS Sega.
Have to admit it... shared the same line of thinking.
Crappy as their games have become, it was nice that with Sega the one thing I could depend on was that pretty much any game of theirs I played, there'd be a soundtrack. Now the chances of that are gonna become much, much smaller. I guess we'll see, though. Definitely ordering the Nights album.
I think Sega Direct is already dying.
I just ordered this from VGM World (it was in stock when I placed the order) and Kahori comes back with an email saying it's out of stock at Sega Direct and she doesn't think they'll print any more before they shut down in March. I hope she's wrong, but man that really sucks. My advice would be to order anything supplied by Sega Direct at VGM World ASAP!
Miker: I can sell you that Virtual On Sound Shock album, mine came in before that closing announcement.
Hoping to get the Golden Axe & Nights albums before it's too late.
Miker: I can sell you that Virtual On Sound Shock album, mine came in before that closing announcement.
Niiiice. Shoot me an email through the forums here and we'll work something out.
This arrived for me this morning. Now this is what the Nights OST should always have been. Full mixes of all the level music, some of them coming in at almost 10 minutes. It's fantastic. I feel like I've been waiting for this for years and thought it would never come.
Yeah, the best part about this album is that it contains all versions of each level theme (that could be accessed and manipulated in the Sound Box in Christmas NiGHTS) and they play successively at the loop mark in a single track, giving each level theme new listening experience. I really like how they did that.
Only a few more days for Sega Direct so get it now!
- Justin Pfeiffer
I am a bit late but agree with all of you as it is an excellent soundtrack. When the first game came out I was too young to get that soundtrack so it was a fantastic opportunity to get it now!
It is rather handy indeed to have every version of a song attached into one full track and a pleasure to listen. For some reason my favorite has always been the track from the Soft Museum level.
I really hope SEGA does not stop making soundtracks for their games and distributes more of the ones already out.
Just curious, at three discs does this set not get repetitive? Am generally not into collecting OSTs anymore but this is one I might not mind collecting If I can track it down that is.
Just curious, at three discs does this set not get repetitive? Am generally not into collecting OSTs anymore but this is one I might not mind collecting
If I can track it down that is.
I don't find it so, and I haven't actually played the game. The only problem I have with it is that I really don't like that English Nights Nights song in it and there are like 75,000 versions of it on this set. Outside of that, it's definitely a worthwhile purchase. If you're interested in finding it, I actually managed to pick up a used copy at one of the Liberty stores in Akihabara (if you don't know where any of the three of them are, email me for specific directions). There's also a little section for Sega Direct stuff on the first floor of Messe Sanoh, though when I was there they didn't have the NiGHTS album.
There's also a little section for Sega Direct stuff on the first floor of Messe Sanoh, though when I was there they didn't have the NiGHTS album.
Sweet, I'll check there in a couple weeks!