XLord007 Jul 15, 2008
After watching MSFT's press conference, I'm starting to wonder if the Redmond giant is wading into Sony territory of not being able to figure out what their box is and why people buy it. If you look at the way the press conference was structured, it opened and ended with a bunch of hardcore games, but the bulk of it was all about how the 360 is going to be a connected social networking media server. Huh? If you watch the whole thing, the only genuine cheers from the crowd were for the FF13 announcement (there were some forced ones here and there). Microsoft seems to be paining itself to find ways to attract non-gamers and Europeans, but its efforts really come off as forced, especially the avatars which have designed by committee written all over them (they're half Mii, half Home, and laden with microtransactions). I think everything they're doing is cool and potentially useful, but the way they're selling it just isn't working, or at least not in press conference form. Hopefully they'll find a better way to communicate this to the masses come fall else they'll never grow their marketshare beyond hardcore gamers.