Angela Jul 28, 2008
So, who's picking up Soulcalibur IV this week? If so, are you going Yoda or Vader?
It could be a bit hard to recapture the fan base after the dubious showcasing that was SCIII, but a diehard Soul aficionado such as myself has eagerly been looking forward to this first HD entry in the series. The newly implemented Soul Gauge looks to be aiming to keep battles alive and feisty, which could be especially beneficial in online matches - but let's just hope these new Critical Finishes doesn't break the game.
I'm a Talim and Cervantes player by nature, but that could all change depending on what they've done to them here. I'm curious to see if Amy plays any differently from Raphael, too.
PSN people, here's hoping for the opportunity to kill you as well as tofu with my sword. Or something.